
I am a guy that says a lot of things, but even in private or joking I never say what Jessie Jackson said ?

by  |  earlier

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Why blame the microphone? I never even joke about hurting or maiming a person. Do you?




  1. I know -- it's amazing, isn't it, the things people think they're getting away with when they're actually on the air?  Remember the news anchor in NYC who used the "f" word on air?  It's kind of like taking a chance and saying something bad about your friend when you know she could enter the room at any moment.  Tres tacky.

  2. I had much respect for Jesse Jackson before this. When he made mistakes, the people gathered around him and supported him all the way. This proves that Jesse is a hater,he wishes that he was in Obama's shoes. Jesse needs to do some soul searching and remember where he came from.

  3. Some guys do say things like that.  The testosterone made him do it.

  4. You are deinitely in the minority.

  5. Well, just consider the source. The "Reverend" Jesse Jackson is an evil man. He's a hate monger and a blackmailer of businesses.

  6. I believe that humor is best way to relief individuals can in difficult situations or to just to laugh. Laughing is one of best things a person does. However in this case Reverend Jesse Jackson said that Senator Obama should have a type of surgery  while he was on the air when people could not hear him. This is the  not the way to talk to other way people at any time.

  7. i know boys like to rip on each other... but when u do that @ 50yrs old... it ain't cute... it's just fked up

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