
I am a guy who wants waist length hair?

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i am 13 years old and hair that is 4 inches how long will this tale and is there is good shampoo to have it grow faster




  1. no ew a guy shouldn't have longer hair than a girl so not cut it and don't get extension stop growing it and cut it  

  2. don't grow it! keep it like it is, long hair on guys doesn't look good! especially on a 23 year old!!  

  3. There's nothing you can apply to your hair, nothing you can eat or drink, no pill to take, that makes your hair grow faster.

    Eat healthy. People who are bulimic, anorexic, or just eat junk find their hair grows more slowly and may be in poorer condition because of their nutritional habits.

    Split ends are the enemy of growth. People who claim their hair doesn’t grow usually have so many split ends their hair is breaking off at about the same rate it’s growing.

    Get a trim once every two or three months. Tell the stylist you’re growing it out and want nothing more than the ends evened out and damaged ends removed.

    Don't color, tint, perm, straighten, or bleach your hair. This is huge, since even the gentlest products dry the hair shaft, making it more prone to splitting.

    Take it easy on tangles--no yanking.

    Since shampoo is drying, shampoo only when you need to. Use as little shampoo as possible, and apply it only where the hair’s dirty, usually the scalp part. Lean forward to rinse if your hair’s shoulder length or longer, so the ends get no shampoo on them.

    Shampoo immediately after swimming in a chlorinated pool, including the ends.

    Condition your hair whenever you shampoo, even if it was just the scalp. Use a product which promises moisture renewal or hair health.

    Once a week use additional conditioning products which you leave in for several minutes, then rinse out. (Tip: Apply none to the scalp area and the products will not flatten your hair.)

    You can expect 1/2 inch of growth per month on the average, but lots of people's hair grows faster.

    I'm anti-extension, opposed to being what you are not pretty much across the board.

  4. if i saw u on the street with hair down to your waist i would run and scream! please cut it... SHORT. i am begging u.

  5. ew

  6. Ew...anyway, there is not much you can do to make your hair grow faster. Be sure you get your split ends trimmed regularly and take care of your hair, this way your hair will be healthy and the stylist will not have to cut a bunch of damaged hair off.

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