
I am a homoeopathic graduate from India.Is there any career opportunity for me in the local job market in uk?

by  |  earlier

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I am homeopathic physician from India ...i am very eager to find a career in u.k.i am also ready to take up a career in any other health related field if my qualification doesn't match to the requirements of the country.hoping for some good minds to give me some guidelines....




  1. no thanks.

  2. Quack medicine.

  3. There are plenty of opportunities to practice your trade in this country. It's my understanding you can pretty much just arrive and set up shop (unless you are a proper medical doctor who wishes to practice as such too in which case it is much more complicated but certainly possible).

    This said I'm no fan of homeopathy and (please don't be offended) would much rather you used your talents more productively. Perhaps you would rather be a pharmacist or something?

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