
I am a horrible person and I don't actually care! What is wrong with me?

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I am 15 and after my parents told me that I was so mean this afternoon it made me think and I have now realised that I am a very horrible person, but I don't actually care. What is wrong with me?

I hate my friends. They are total freaks. I wish I had cool and stylish friends (people like myself to hang out with), but I go this weird Catholic school and everyone there is just a loser. I am only friends with these people because they are half way decent, but I couldn't really care less about them to be honest. They are still uncool, and unstylish and ugly and are embarrassing to be seen with, but they could be a lot worse, considering the people that go to my school. I don't care what a person's personality is like, I just take note of what is on the outside.

I am so judgmental. I judge everyone I meet based on appearance. I am mean, but I get away with it because I am so cool. I amy cynical and sarcastic to everyone I know. I made a mental list in my head today of everyone I know and there was only about 10 people on it I didn’t actually hate. I mean having bad taste in clothes is reason enough for me to hate people.

I look down on everyone, because they aren’t as great as me. I look down on their taste of mainstream music, because I only listen to alternative stuff, their taste in clothes, because I have an impeccable taste in clothes, which comes from spending over $100 on fashion magazines a month. I look down at people, because they aren’t as smart as me, because I do get straight A’s. I look down on them because they are not as pretty as me. I even look down on people because they don’t read literature I deem high-brow enough.

I am a mean and horrible and shallow person. I am a total ***** and I know it. But even looking back over this question and seeing all the things I do wrote down, I still don’t care. Not even remotely. What is wrong with me? Because I am sure it’s not normal. I don’t care what other people think about me either, because I know I am cooler and better than them. I know I sound like a troll making this up for attention, but I assure you I am not. It actually is me 100%. What is wrong?




  1. OMFG, yourr lyk suchhe ah shllow biath!! i lyk accctually cnt blive ewe sed dat!!! OMG!!

    Did you judge me then?

    I'm guessing you did, as I know I sure would. That's natural though, and not a sign saying you are heartless. If i had written my whole answer like that, would you have thought differently of me? Would you have simply brushed me aside, or actually listen to me? I'm guessing you wouldn't listen to a word I said. Am I right?

    Whilst you may continue through life like this, there is a chance that you can return to what some may consider "normality".

    However, the fact you are even asking this question makes me think that somewhere in you, a kind and loving person is trying to escape. If you truly didn't give a flying flick about anybody, you wouldn't care enough to ask the question. See?

    Try to be more understanding to the needs and sensitivity of others and realize, whilst everybody is unique, fundamentally, we all have the same needs and desires. We all wish to be loves and respected. Even those people who on the surface seem ghastly.

    Try dressing how these people you hate do. See if you get a different reaction. Imagine what you would say/think to someone dressed as that. Say it to yourself and see if it affects you.

    I find that it helps to step out of yourself from time to time. Be somebody different, see how they see life and adapt it in your own mind. It can make you a better person, and it can give you such alternative insights on life.

    In the long run, you need to keep working, keep trying to think positvly of people. Pick out the things you admire people for, not what you hate them for.

    Good luck, and yes, I really do mean that.

  2. whats wrong with is that you're missing something in your brain.

    the fact that u realise this dont u think u'd try and change?

    they arent ur friends so stop calling them that.

    you're not as fantastic as you think

    [no one is]

    so get that out fo ur head now.

    u need psychiatric help.

    but whats wrong with u is that your shallow and WILL be lonely all your life even when you're surrounded by people

    pretty or not

  3. At the end of the day, think of how "cool" your going to be when your in your 40's with NO friends because they all think your a total and complete d**k. Yeah, you may be smart, pretty, and dressed nicely. But you have nothing inside you that's nice. People will want to be your friend because of what you look like, then once they get closer and realize what a terrible person you really are they wont want to be your friend anymore, which breaks your heart even more. Knowing that they don't want to be your friend because of who you are. Take time to think about what type of person you are and how you're going to end up if you carry on the way you are. Use the fact that your "smart" to help other people who aren't as smart as you. You probably judge "ugly" people because you know that inside, your just as ugly as they are.

  4. Seriously you make think your all the Sh*t but your not, do you think people are actually going to like you because you dress nice and are pretty?? You say you don't care but you wouldn't of written that if you didn't.

    anyway I'm not going to bother to get angry at ignorant middle class brats. I doubt you are as smart as you think you are, most people would define smart as someone with morals and compassion.

    As to the person who commented about the homeless person and not giving them money, do you really think its that easy for some people you don't know what sort of a life they've had.  A lot of homeless people suffer from mental issues and have come from abusive backgrounds, your cold heartlessness and shallow attitude disgusts me.

    Anyway I'm sick of trying to get stupid materialistic girls to see sense and I know I'm wasting my time so have a nice life as a cold hearted, friendless b*tch

  5. Aww, poor u

  6. Tryin to be like me huh?

    Sorry dude but your ATTEMPT is weak.

  7. weezy f. always told something he lives by, and rather I live by this rule.

    "I never look down, but I see no one above me"

    it kinda is the nicer way to put " i'm the s hit, bih watchout."

    And, just try to be nicer, I have found that I can be the same way sometimes. I remember one time when my boyfriend, { he and i were raised TOTALLY different} he wanted to give a bum a couple of dollars, well as he pulled it out of the wallet and went to roll down the window, i launched myself from my seat, grabbed the money, and yelled, "no, eff that! he had his chance in high school when he dropped out. Now, its going to a good cause". I think i spent it manicuring my nails. :D

    Anyway, little things make all the difference.

    try with little things, then work your way up.

  8. Get a life, you need help dude.

  9. You will have to learn the hard way that people are just people and they matter more than material things. Your classy clothes and do-dads won't be there to wipe your tears or nurse you when you are sick and neither will your loser friends if you keep this attitude. It sounds like you have it all going on right now but after you hit adulthood you will have no friends and your parents will pay to get you out of the house. Good luck with your lonely future.

  10. get over urself, ur not better than anyone, just b/c u spend 100$ on magazines every month, ur better than me, wow, lmao

  11. i know someone like you and she stopped acting like a bit*h, when she found her soul mate. he changed her for the better and know she smiles all the time and is way much nicer.

  12. Therapy works wonders.

  13. megalomaniac comes to mind... I am sure there are plenty of people in your school who are more talented than you in something, there is no way you are the best at everything.  go to a psychiatrist, that kind of behavior could result in some serious issues later on.

  14. You have every right to dislike people for whatever reason. You can't FORCE yourself to like people. And most people do make their first judgement based on appearance. But eventually, there will be no one left who is "good enough" for you, and you'll be very lonely. When you grow up, you'll see how childish your train of thought is, and I hope it's just not too late for you to make some real friends. I am pretty and I dress very nicely as well, but I have never been stuck up in my life and consider the people who are stuck up not good enough for ME. See, I value people with good hearts. Someday your mind will change, I just really hope everyone doesn't hate you by that point. Good luck.

  15. If you don't care then what do you want from us? Second opinion?

  16. sorry, but it sounds like you do care since you wrote a whole essay on it.

    you say you dont care what people think, but you say that your friends are embarrassing to be seen with...

    why would you get embarrassed if you dont care what others think?

    if youre so great, why dont you have friends outside of this school?

  17. you sound like your very jaded.....maybe you should look at why your so angry at everyone.......for being them selves,the exact thing you like to do,how would you like it if someone were to judge you for being you?,because for every finger you point you  have three pointing pack at you(cheezy mind you but its good luck with that!

  18. ouch lol! theres a diffrence between being an ugly person and speaking ur mind. im the most sarcastic out spoken person I've ever met but yet people still see the good in me its about balancing things out.. sounds to me like u have some self esteem issues and u really arent as cool as you think - sorry just my opinion

  19. Hehe, you sound exactly like I used to be.  I was a complete narcissist in High School and college.  I thought I was better than everyone else, whether it was academics, sports, or fashion.  I looked down upon everyone and I thought it was fun.  I wore only the nicest clothing and knew I looked better than everyone else.  I remember sitting in class some days listening to the other students talk about how hard their schedules were and just laugh, knowing that they were nothing compared to me, everything they did was easy and I felt embarrassed for them.  My friends put up with me reasons beyond my understanding.  But then one day I grew up.  I still have my days where I am God's gift to the world, but those days are becoming less and less frequent.  I am starting to realize that there is no reason to put myself above others, I can still do better academically and in all other aspects of life, but that certainly does not mean I am any more important than them.  Whether you want to keep being judgemental and shallow is up to you, but life is much happier being nice.

    Good luck not being a judgemental @ss :-)  People will like the new you if you decide to change!

  20. if you really didn't care, you wouldn't be asking what's wrong with you, and actually calling yourself mean and horrible.  

    can you play chess, ski, scuba-dive..

    can you speak French, Italian, Arabic?

    Can you paint? Can you do ballet?

    can you cook?

    Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

    you're smart and you'll understand this...

    you still have to grow up and realise that sometimes in life you'll be needing those who you never likely dreamt of needing.  do you know Aesop's Fable..the lion and the mouse.  look it up and read it. good'll be needing it.

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