
I am a insurance agent, I am considering going into Employee Benefits. Would this be a good move? economy etc

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I have a 215 and thinking of going into the Employee Benefits side of the business. Would this be a good move right now considering the economy? What side of the business would be more stable now? and more financially rewarding?




  1. I would actually say  commercial lines are safe... That covers employee benefits, GL, PL, Comm. Prop, surety Bonds...and on and on.  Anything is better than personal lines, obviously b/c the premiums are going to be higher.  Try a small agency, the commissions tend to be better b/c their overhead is going to be smaller and you will undoubtedly carry a higher responsibility.  Let's face it, no matter how bad the economy gets, Insurance will always be a necessity.

  2. Life insurance is probably the most profitable for agents, but Employee Benefits is a good field because you make more sales and larger premiums than individual sales.  The economy should not be a concern if you represent a good company with competitive products and know a contact within the businesses.  Getting past the gate keeper can sometimes be an issue for some agents.

    Good Luck.

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