
I am a kid and I dont know how to gain distance on drives....any tips?

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I own a wooden driver, and i cant afford a metal driver...




  1. Club head speed at ball contact.


  3. You could easily paralyze yourself with countless tips on this one. I'd try to keep it simple.

    Some common mistakes that I've found reduce distance are tension in the swing and failure to use your lower body through the downswing.

    Another thought...what good is gaining greater distance if you're hitting a 40-60 yard slice or hook?

    I'm not saying this is the case with you but distance is everything. There's a reason people say "drive for show and putt for dough."

    Focus on freeing up tension in your swing and don't forget to hit through the ball at impact.

    Hope this helps and good luck.

    Michael Kosmala

  4. The only real way is to improve your swing (better contact with more clubhead speed) if you cant get new equipment, also try a really soft ball if you cant create enough clubhead speed. Remember to always swing down onto the ball and hit the ball on the upswing to generate more force (clubhead speed). The reason being imagine slamming your club into the ground and pointing your club straight up in the air, due to gravity and body mechanics you can generate more force on the downward swing as opposed to the upward motion.  Hope that helps you out, and good luck in the future.

  5. It is all about the proper grip and down swing. Take for example, Michelle Wie. At 16 she had an average drive of 280 yards. YES, 280 YARDS! Why? She certainly isn't the strongest player on the LPGA, but her proper swing gives her incredible power. 95% of the people who play golf have a fundamental flaw in their swing, whether it is grip, posture, swing, or more commonly, a combination of the three.

    My first suggestion would be to make sure you have the right

    1.) Grip

    2.) down-swing

    3.) Posture

    Firstly I would suggest looking at the following links, which give great tips on these three fundamentals:




    When you master these three important steps you should explore ways to increase consistency and power. Always before golf you should stretch 5-10 minutes and get your muscles relaxed. If you are at the range you should first start hitting a pitching wedge and then gradually move down the irons. Then you should hit the woods and finally the driver. Finally, once you are done you should go back to your pitching wedge to end on a good note and build mental confidence.

    To actually increase distance on drives you should focus on building upper body strength and flexibility. Remember to stretch everyday and be consist in your exercise routine. Another great things which works is adding weights to your wrist and/or club and practice hitting with a heavier club.

    Hope that helps,

  6. The best thing to do is get a new set. I know you are young but I just bought my first set on e-bay and only paid $66.00 for it. Dude they rock. The best thing to do is:

    1. Stand with your feet shoulder length apart

    2. Bend at the hips

    3. Then bend your knees

    if you are having problems with your swing then take the shortest club and stand that way I just stated and hold the club behind your neck and turn as if you are going to hit a ball. That will help with your swing, and DON'T GIVE UP!!!!

    Good luck

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