
I am a libra female and i want to win the heart of a virgo man is that possible?

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this virgo boy ive known since middle school confessed he likes me ( my neighbor for years) i had no idea. i like him to and i know our signs dont match but i also know that when ppl want to makes things work they can. I just want to know is there ways i can keep him interested in me I am very attractive , dress well, nails and hair always done and thats one of the things i know he likes about me. he is always thinkin! lol my fear is that he may convince himself im not good for him or something like that. He just had his heart broken and mine too. i asked and he told me that i was not the rebound girl or he would not be spending time with me as he is. (he comes over and lays with me and we talk and then he goes home) i know its to show me his attraction is not just sexual and i adore that. but how do i make sure he doesnt loose interest? we are just dating... i am not his girlfriend but i eventually want to be




  1. Absolutely!

    1. Tone it down- let him be the man. Let him make the plans. Don't try to be in control all of the time.

    2. Control Yourself- show him that you are not just a loose cannon going off on people etc. Virgo doesn't like to be embarrassed.

    3. Be sweet- tell him how you feel, embrace him when he sounds pessimistic. Do your best to listen

    4. Buy him classy gifts- Best to buy him one really good gift instead of a bunch of less classy ones.

  2. He's known you for some time now, just go with the flow. Things will work out. He is very particular, and he had to watch you before he let you know how he felt about you.  But be careful because Virgo's can be a little perverted in the mind.

  3. just talk to him and see where things head

  4. Good luck with that.  My boyfriend is a Libra and I'm a Virgo.  You can make it work.  It's just not very easy.  He already confessed that he likes you, so you really needn't do anything more.

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