
I am a lineman and must respond to elec. outages after work. can I deduct mileage after my daily commute amnt?

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we are required to come in at all hours of the day, and often on weekends. Some times I may make three to four trips in after my daily commute. I have to drive my personal truck in to get the line truck to respond to electrical outages or emergancies. I have been told I can, and cannot does anyone know the straight scoop.

Thank you




  1. Yes you can. If you will save all of your expense receipts for your truck (oil, gas, tires, ect.) you can take them off of your taxes.

  2. I hate to say this, but probably not.  The IRS's view is that you choose where you live and it's part of a normal commute, even if it's after hours.  They're not going to honor a mileage claim for that.  But call the IRS.  They're very helpful about answering questions like this and ultimately, it's their call, not mine, your boss's or your neighbor's.

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