
I am a little freaked out by my friends family now...?

by  |  earlier

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There are 2 child molesters in her family...I already have known that her moms dad is/was but last night she told me her cousins uncle was too [he molested her cousin and tried to to her also]...He lives with her cousins dad and his dad...They all go camping with us so I am freaked out to go with them now since there is a child molester there lol...What should I do...




  1. Tell your parents.  You shouldn't be around child molesters.

  2. I'd talk to your parents about that, if they would've known about this I don't think they'd let you go camping with those molesters.

  3. Well sweetie if you know the fire is hot are you going to touch it..If you feel there's danger,tell your parent and don't go.

  4. If someone is charged with molesting a child (felony), then they need to be registered as a s*x offender. Many of these individuals cannot be around children or they go back to prison.

    If you are under 18 years old, talk to your parents' immediately! If you are older than 18 and have children, keep them away!

  5. i wouldnt go just because it could be dangerous.  or if u do go just try to avoid them.

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