
I am a low rev and medium speed bowler what line should play with a black widow?

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I am a low rev and medium speed bowler what line should play with a black widow?




  1. There is no dead set correct answer to this, because like with every reactive bowling ball, you have to adjust what line you're shooting for the lanes you have. It also depends how your ball was drilled, whether it's meant to go long the snap in, or arc across the lane, then you base your shot around that. If you  don't know which way yours is drilled, ask the guy who did it, then try some different shots with the style its drilled for. Saying that, if you're bowling on a standard house oil pattern for league, i'd say shoot straight down the 5 board, or if it's drilled to arc, across 12 out to between 10 and 8 seems to work for a friend of mine who has that ball.

    Good luck.


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