
I am a magician, and i had just bought two parakeets. can i have them tame by august?

by  |  earlier

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hello all,

well im a magician, and i just added parakeets to my routine.. i need them tame to be on stage with my before august. can somebody give me the quickest way to teach them to be tame? i really need help with this because august isnt really that long from now, and i dotn know what i am going to do. this is probably goign to be the biggest show of the year, and i really need them to come through for me..

thanks soooo much if someone can help mee





  1. It is a little late now for this advise but I would have started with hand-fed babies.  Since you are asking for taming techniques, I assume these were probably from a mass marketing business.  The technique I have used successfully is to make sure the flight feathers are trimmed so they 'keets can't get away from you.  Work with just one bird at a time in small confined space where the bird can't hide or get hurt.  I used our walk-in shower stall.  Release the bird from the cage and gently pursue the bird where ever it goes.  When it settles down, gently push your hand or finger against its chest.  At first it will attempt to fly away.  Slowly, gently continue until it will step onto your hand.  Once it stay on your hand, use your other hand to encourage it to step up to your other hand.  Keep repeating until it readily accepts your hand when you push against its chest.  Next start trying to stroke it on the wings and back.  Slow, consistent movements are important.  Once you have the birds accepting your hands and touching on their bodies you can continue with your training for the act.  I'm not sure if you'll be able to get them ready for the stage in only a month or so!

  2. Here are easy steps to help you

    1.Get the bird to trust you

    2. It will take longer than a month to train it.

    3. Be friendly

    4. Do not make loud noises around it or scare it in any matter

    5. Talk to it in a calm, friendly vocie.

    6. Hand tame it by slowly putting ur hand inside their cage everyday for abt 5-10 minutes and stay still thinking you are a perch, also put ur finger under the birds belly after a few days and say "Up" in a kind voice, if the bird does not come up gently push on its belly. If it is afraid stop and try again the next day.

    7. Goodluck.

  3. This page has info on training parakeets. This whole website has parakeet info too.

  4. Taming budgies need time. It cannot be done overnight.  It needs AT LEAST two months. But since you wan't the instructions, give this a shot:

    1. Have them wing-clipped and Talk to them softly.

    2. Let it out in a room and take a handful of seeds. Offer them the seeds on your hand and if they still ignore, put a little on the floor, it would scatter ove there and eat it. Hide behind a wall when they do that.

    3. Then again when it walks away, put more and they would come over to eat it, this time, stand nearby to watch.

    4. while it is watching, try to put 2-3 more seeds and sit beside it.

    5. try to hand feed it.

    If any of the steps don't work, go to one step before and have alot of patience. Taming half an hour everyday will do. If not they will get bored. Repeat this everyday until you suceed every step.

    To get it to step up your finger after you tame it, you can put your finger in front of its chest, if it dosen't response, you can GENTLY thrust your finger at its chest and it would step up. Say "up" while doing the steps if you wan't but it would be better not to say as you are in a show and it would be awkward to ask it to step up. :D

    However, the budgie must not  be VERY afraid of you before you tame them.

  5. Well if you would have asked before you bought I could have helped you immensely. The next time you want babies that are real young. Make sure that they have stripes coming all the way down to the beak cere.

    You will just have to spend lots of time with them. Always talk in pretty much a monotone voice. Then when they do something wrong a stern NO will get their attention. Find a treat that they like and use it as a atta boy. I would look for baby parakeets. They are more receptive of training than older birds. Time is the real answer to  your

    question. That isn't the answer that you wanted but is the real one. Sorry, also good luck. I had a cousin in Chicago, ILL that studied under the Great Blackstone. My cousin was pretty good. He was a deaf and that held him back a bunch.

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