
I am a male having pain when urinating after s*x,after a large bowl movement,or after a long night at work?

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Iam 25yrs oldand do not have any std's. I started this pain at about 12 yrs old before i was sexually active. I experience this pain about 3-4 times a week at times and twice a year at other times. the pain doesn't allow me to urinate till it goes away. It starts inside above my p***s,on my very low abdominals then seems to hurt the end of my p***s,the head. I have been to the doctor and I do NOT have any STD's. What else could it be?




  1. Is it possible that you started masturbating at about the age of 12?  It's impossible to say if this related to masturbation (like a problem with frequency or technique) or maybe something like a urinary tract infection.  By mentioning that bm's are associated with the pain make me think prostate, but your age doesn't typically support this.  The irregular frequency of the pain and the length of time you've had this problem is confusing.

    It would be best if you were to consult with a doctor (again) when you are experiencing this problem.  In the meantime, keep a mental note of your dietary habits and masturbation habits to see if there may be a connection the next time you experience this pain.


  2. Have you been checked for a hernia?  I had the same symptoms & found out it was a double hernia.  A hernia is a breach by the intestines in the abdominal wall & it caused me pain like you're describing

    If you've done any heavy lifting,  you could be a candidate.

  3. You might want to have your prostate checked.     You mentioned a large bowel movement, and the fecal material passing through the colon would exert some pressure on the prostate, which leads me to think that you could have some inflammation of the prostate gland.

    There can be a low-level prostatitis that continues for years, and it's just one possibility.

    Good luck to you.

  4. too much masturbating can cause it

  5. Though I'm not sure, it's possible that you have a bladder infection that your body is prone to infection, which would explain the pain with urinating. Keep your bladder empty whenver you feel the urge to go. Drink plenty of water and try some cranberry juice. Try also, keeping the area clean so the infection doesn't go back into the body. Hope this helps.

  6. sucks to be u  lol

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