
I am a male who wears makeup, what do you think???

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Okay, I am a male who wears makeup, ONLY bceuase I have blemishes and by makeup i mean JUST Foundation. What do you think of that? And people don't know that i have blemishes sooooo what would you think if you saw a random male wearing foundation??




  1. I'd think.......


    You're a guy. Normal guys don't wear makeup.

  2. id think he was g*y, a trans sexual or something.

    can people tell?

    just dont let anybody know if they cant tell...cause it is a little weird. but if it works for you and your comfortable wearing it...just dont tell anybody.


  3. If I noticed a guy wearing foundation, I would not like it.  However, if it is very subtle and sheer, I probably wouldn't notice it at all.

  4. g*y mayb

  5. its fine

  6. i have seen a male wearing foundation.. to be honest i think its kind of weird but i guess it depends on how well you put it on? i mean if you are really good on it and no one can tell you are wearing makeup then go for it but really if people can tell you have makeup on they will find it strange.

  7. I would think that you left the Rocky Horror Picture Show.  No, just kidding.  Unless it was VERY noticeable, I wouldn't think anything wrong with it. I would assume was a coverup.

  8. Well, if it's just foundation, and you can't see it, than it's okay. But if you wear guyliner or'll look either g*y, or emo.

  9. As long as it is not noticeable and helps you feel better about yourself, then what does it matter? And manliner is HOT!

  10. well i would think its weird but if u can cover it up without people knowing u were makeup thats okish

  11. at first when i read it i thought g*y but if u get the right kind nobody will even know i mean if anyone askes dont lie just tell them what u just typed and if they r good enough friends they will understand

  12. Err its a turn off sorry.

  13. If you can find a good system that works for you, you dont have to wear makeup anymore. Try the Clean & Clear system or a prescription system from a dermatologist. But, honestly,  I dont think many people would care that you wore makeup to hide a few zits.

    You're guy friends probably wouldn't be as sensitive though...

  14. Went to HS with a guy that wore it for the same reason..people got used to him wearing the foundation. However, because of foundation being bad for your skin in many cases what about using a bare minerals type powder. I use one by physicians formula that is talc free and love how it looks.

  15. anyone who can tell that a guy is wearing foundation just shows how badly he applied it. you should be sure your application is flawless.. anything less and it's just an embarrassment.

  16. i think its fine. i mean bos have their trouble spots and they can put on makeup without looking g*y :) so ur fine :) go ahead.

    i think its kind of hot that a guy is trying to fix himself up =-)

  17. Is it noticable that you wear foundation?

    If it is thats just a bad makeup job- easily fixable.

    I don't think its a bad thing for a guy to wear makeup. Make up was designed to inhance ones appearence, boy or girl. I'd be fine with that.

  18. I still wear cover up to mask acne...and I'm a nineteen year old male. I'm g*y.....but I don't think that has anything to do with it......

    Now if you started putting on mascara and lip stick....that owuld be something to consider. But if your main reason is to cover up blemishes and not to feel more like a girl or more fem...then go for it! It can build your confidence greatly.

    Just be sure not to use any that clog pores

    I would reccomend neutrogena's acne clearing make up

    It covers pretty well, and it has salacylic acid in it to clear up your skin, and doesn't clog pores!

    Also, mineral foundation works well too!


    Colton Forrest

  19. as long as i cant see it, then its fine, but if i can, then you look g*y.

    but still kinda g*y.

    just wash your face.

  20. I know lots of guys who do it too.  

  21. Honestly,i would think that you are g*y/weird

  22. I think looking your best regardless of gender is perfectly fine, and I would encourage anyone.

  23. My grand father had the craziest  sayings one that especially still gets a smile one my face,

    "If you are g*y be g*y just be a MAN about it, don't work around like a little sissy".

  24. g*y......real men don't give a **** about BLEMISHES!

  25. whatever floats your proverbial boat, my friend.

  26. as long as you cant see it, then its fine, but if you can, then you look g*y.;...

  27. that is a huge turn off bye proactiv or clean n` clear

  28. little creepy

    keep it to yourself and you'll be okay

    and as long as it's not visible

  29. That you don't know how to apply makeup, if I can SEE it, haha. You get it?

    I wouldn't really care as long as it's not noticable.

  30. There is nothing wrong with concealing your blemishes with makeup.  When my husband gets a bad blemish I put it on him!  Seriously, I do.  He fought me at first, but when he saw how much better it looked he was very happy.

    Try proactiv to clear up the acne and alleviate the whole problem.

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