
I am a maried man and happy life with my wife since 2000. three months ago i received a call on my cell phone?

by  |  earlier

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A college girl ask for someone and i replied that this is a wrong number. After an hour she send me a funny sms and i replied with the same by sending funny sms to her. After one week we start calling each other. I told him that i am married man and my age is 40 years and friendship with me is not suitable for you but she says we are only friends. since than we talk to each other so many time and send and receive sms too. She says to me that I love you so much as a friend. I feel guilty by involving a young girl. What can i do to stop this in the way she dont hurt. (my english is not good so please dont mind)




  1. You are not going to choose to be trapped in your life?

    Your picture is sooooo simple.

    If you involve with her more, you will see very soon enough how life can turn into misery.

    If you ignore her, you will see yourself proud and feel good for keeping pure love for your wife.

    It's like Adam and Eve in Bible. The snake seducing Eve, but you know the result, right?

    Keeping your love pure for your wife worth like your life.

    My advice: Tell that girl (I want to call her Evil as I am Christian and I know what Evil does) that you don't want to receive any message and don't have any friend like her anymore. If she keeps contacting you, give her warning that you will report to the police or take legal action. If she still does contact you, then change the number. If you feel sad losing a friend ever, then that's the moment you text your wife saying "I love you my beloved wife".

    God bless you. I hope you choose a wise way.

  2. In my opinion, you are feeling some type of way about her and the only way for this to stop is for you to either tell her the truth, " like you need to quit texting and calling me" or simply get your number changed.

  3. Block her number and stop calling her. What are you, five? You can't figure this out on your own? I can't stand it.

  4. You need to stop all communication with her immediately. She will get hurt, unfortunately.

  5. You need to stop sms her and stop talking to her or she will never get the hint. The more you talk to her, the more exciting it is for her. This is probably fun for her since you are older and married. I suggest you stop all contact immediately.


  6. This can cause a problem if your wife knows it..  

  7. Grow up you 40 year old horn ball. Whats wrong with you?? I hope one of these days you have an eighteen year old daughter that tells you that a FORTY year old is contacting her just to talk to?? Give me a break. Do you think we were born yesterday?  GROW UP!!!!!!!!! and leave her alone. Your acting like a high schooler

  8. Just stop it. You do not have to worry about hurting her..she should mean nothing to you. Your wife deserves better than this.

    If you really want to stop it.. tell your wife. It will stop pretty quickly.

  9. explain to her that you do not feel comfortable with this as you are married and you do not think it is right for a 40 yr old to be friends with a college girl,sometimes no matter how hard you try you cannot not hurt someones feelings.if this doesnt work then just dont answer her calls or sms and she will eventually get the picture

  10. If you respect your wife as well as your marriage it wont be hard to stop talking to her

  11. If you’re married than you should respect your wife. What you are doing is so stupid and disrespectful. I would tell the girl that ‘we cannot be friends anymore because I’m married and that I don’t want to hurt my wife sorry good bye’. Be strong don’t let the girl push you into doing things that you think is wrong.

  12. as long as it's only friendship, there's nothing wrong with it.

  13. Tell her that your wife will not be happy with the phone calls so ask her to stop rinning you as you love your wife more than anything and you will have to change your number  

  14. Being friends is one, thing, but if you find yourself having fantasies, you should back off and realize you married your wife for a reason. Stray away from the young girl, only temptation will come from it. Think about the pros and cons of this situation and talk with your wife.

  15. What about just stopping the correspondence completely?  She will get over it.

  16. Obviously you aren't as happily married as you say because if you were you would have NEVER started this in the first place. One little thing usually leads to another little thing and then before you know it, you will be back here asking for advice about an affair. Never start something you aren't willing to finish! Ask yourself if this was going on with your wife, how would you feel about it!

  17. Once again..take her to the Not Tell Motel and have your way with her.

  18. Stop answering and stop replying. She is playing games with you. Good Luck

  19. tell her that you appericate her friendship and everything but it is making you feel uncomftorable and that your not sure if you want to continue thus  friendship. but you have to be careful because if you dont stop it it may lead to something else and than you will really regret it.

  20. If your wife was to do the same thing to you, then how would you feel ? Hurt ? Betrayed ? Unable to trust her again ?

    Change your cell phone number or ask your cell phone provider if her number can be blocked from accessing your network.

    Learn by this silly mistake you have made & make sure that you never betray your wife's trust in you again.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  21. Guy, this is not the right thing to do.  Leading a young girl on.  Young girls loose heart easily and can lead men on wrong paths just to satisfy their own needs.  Cheating is cheating.  Physical cheating can be forgiven.  But mental cheating is even worse!  You are married man, hopefully happy, and with kids.  If you want to stay that way and not get involved in an emotional problem.  Say by the the girl and change your mobile NO.  She will keep calling and pestering you, maybe she knows you persona lily and is Samson you using another ID.  SO if you love your family, and don't want to hurt THEM, who have been with your for so long, I suggest you let the girl go and tell her firmly that you will not get involved in any friendship with an unknown person, and don't want to hurt the wife that way as you love her, and hopefully she will understand and forgive you.  Say it firmly don't give her any hope that you will return her messages again, not matter, how much she says that it is just friendly.  No one goes around telling someone else they love them, when they have not even met the real person and known them persona lily, unless they are mental a little weak, and require to call people they have never seen or met, and don't even know weather they are genuine or not (I am not talking about you), there are a lot of weird people out here, who take advantage of others.


  22. just stop the calling, simple as that (you shouldn't have started in the first place)

    You can even go and get a new phone number so she won't have it

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