
I am a member of 2 Yahoo Groups. On one of them I can see messages on line, but the other I can't. Why ?

by  |  earlier

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I am a member of 2 Yahoo Groups. On one of them I can see messages on line, but the other I can't. Why ?




  1. one group has the archives closed and the other doesn't.

  2. some times this will help before you logon. If you clean these all out and then at the end do a whole clean out useing Disk Cleanup to which you will find on your start bar. Now once you have that all cleaned out..log off your pc and then restart it up and then try to log into the group. Now if it has not change it means the owners has stop you from getting any thing or the group is so slow and no one is posting and they will mean your now seeing it or geting it

    Temporary Internet Files



    My Recent Documents

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