
I am a member of and I want to make a really cool group, what should I make my group about?

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  1. There's a lot of lonely old people in nursing homes who never have any company from family members. Who would welcome someone to talk to . Even if they talk to you about their past over and over we should listen to them because  the older person is so full of wisdom and knowledge and they would love to share that with someone.

    Maybe your group could be about...bringing smiles and hugs to the elderly but most of all your time.

  2. Well, members of Care2 are really into their animals (both their pets, and protecting the wild animals). They also like talking about activism of all kinds.

    If you're looking to host a group that the members of Care2 find cool, I suggest checking out a few off the Care2 groups that talk about Care2 and Care2 groups. Here are a couple I've found:




    the members who hang out in these groups know alot about hosting groups.

    But the real answer is probably: start a group about a subject that you yourself think is cool. In the end the Care2 groups that work are the ones that have hosts that really care about them. These hosts keep the conversations alive, and welcome new members, etc.

    Cheers! ( me a Care2: )

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