
I am a member of a Group. I rencently changed settings to no email and now it does not show me as a member?

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I am a member of a Group. I rencently changed settings to no email and now it does not show me as a member?




  1. Rejoin and this time make your selection to receive no emails at the  same time you join.

  2. Since some group owners require members to receive group messages at least individually or by daily digest. The owner might have removed you when you set your group email delivery to "No email".  To make sure you are no longer a member, go to your "my groups" list

    This will pull up a list of all the groups you currently belong to.  If you don't see that particular group in the list, that's probably what happened.  If so, you could join the group again and say why you are rejoining and that you didn't know you couldn't use the "no email" setting.

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