
I am a moderator, have a mem who receives messages, but cant post, as she is told she is not a mem. How fix?

by  |  earlier

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I am a moderator, have a mem who receives messages, but cant post, as she is told she is not a mem. How fix?




  1. Have her unsub and rejoin; then see if it will work.  If not, she may need to contact Yahoo for assistance, or to create another Yahoo address.

  2. She probably is an email only member. That happens when a person clicks on "Subscribe" located at the bottom of all emails that go out from the group or when a member subscribes by sending an email to  

      She will need to actually join the group to participate in any of the group features.  She can go to the group's home page and click on "Join This Group" or you can send her an "Invite".

  3. if this member is an e-mail only member, you'd see this in the members list, and when viewing this member there, you'd see in the 2nd column (request profile) which will send that person info to obtain a yahoo account w/o having to leave the group if the owner clicks on that.

    you didn't mention if this member ever could post at one time, or where they're seeing this error message, on the group or in e-mail. there's been glitches around where people are told this, when they already are a member. you should have the person report it

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