
I am a moderator for a group and the messages posted are not showing up on the group site.?

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I am a moderator for a group and the messages posted are not showing up on the group site.?




  1. common things to check are the spam filter. are these any posts or just one persons? there could be a server delay on either end, Yahoo or yours (the members). when the post comes in, the mail header will determine where the delay is. Yahoo seems to be having a few issues going on. none of us will really know why they're not showing up and you could send in the form and ask Yahoo, or at least to alert them

  2. Are you sure your Group's Archives are turned on?  To check, click on Management on the left-hand side of your Group's web page.  Then click on Messages under Group Settings.  Then click the Edit link next to Posting And Archives.  Under Archive Options, either Anyone or Members should be selected; if it isn't, select one of those two, then click Save Changes (towards the lower-right-hand corner).  If it is already on Anyone or Members, then fill out the Help Form in crazy_mom's answer.

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