
I am a mom and want to be a nurse, did you do it?

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I would like to be a labor and birth nurse or work in the newborn area. I heard that the nursing program is very difficult.

my son is 16 months now but there is a 3 year nursing waiting list in the college i want to attend.

it almost seems impossible that i can take this program and pass the classes and take care of my kid and have another baby.

i just want to give my family a better life and more money but also i don't want to neglect my son and not give him a brother or sister because of going to school.

were you able to do it?

My mother in law actually went to law school while having two little kids and being a single mom. I guess she is smart. i am not good at math and science but i would love to be a nurse.




  1. Don't get me wrong, nursing school is definitely time-consuming and exhausting and requires a LOT of work.  It's not easy and this is coming from a girl who did it when she was single with no children.  HOWEVER, it is possible.  It's admirable that you want to give your family a better life and nursing is an excellent way to do that.  You will never want for a job when you are a nurse.  And the hours, pay, and flexibilty can't be beat.  If you have a good support system, you can do it.  It won't be easy, trust me on this, but it can be done.  You just have to make up your mind that you're going to see it through and then do it.  Do you have a degree already?  If so, there may be an online program you can enroll in or maybe the school you go to will offer some of the classes online, which will free up a lot of time for you.

    I am not a math/science whiz either but really, the pre-requisites are the most intense in those fields.  The nursing courses themselves just build on the pre-reqs but it's not hard to understand.  The biggest thing for me was studying.  The concepts weren't hard but it was a ton of information to absorb.  If you're a person that remembers everything you read, then it will be easier.  If not, just know that you will be studying every spare minute and then some.  But it is so worth it.  Good luck to you.

  2. You and ten thousand other people have done it and will continue to do it.

    Just remevber, in 5 years youw ill still be alive, still be  you and your kids will  be in jpre-school. you will etiher be finishing up or starting  your nurse's  training.

    Did I say it would be easy-didn't mean to say that.

    But doable.

  3. I would say have another kid now. and then wait until he is about 16 months or more and you will have 2 kids and  you can still go to school. hope this helps.

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