
I am a nanny, my family bought me a theme park pass for summer, should i still get paid hourly to take the kid

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The mom offered to pay just for food and gas and not hourly, since she bought me a pass, which was her idea. I am not sure how to go about this? Should I get paid hourly or only for food and gas when I take the girl?




  1. She still needs to pay you! That was a nice gesture, but it's not like it was a birthday gift or something. She bought it for you so you can take her daughter, therefor when you are watching her child she has to pay you, no matter where you spend the day.

  2. Yes, you should still get paid hourly since you will be working the entire time. Anytime you are asked to care for the child, and take them somewhere that costs money, the parents should be paying for your admition anyways, it's not "instead" of your hourly wage.

  3. for food and gas. both are going up. and they did buy you the pass. plus you get to have fun while taking care of her

  4. If your original deal was that you get paid for watching her child then that is what she is obligated to do. However food and gas does help but food and gas does not pay other bills and if you got paid you can pay for that your self.

    If I were you I would sit the mother down and let her know that you love to watch her child however you thought that this would be a paying position. Say you appreciate that fact that she bought you theme park tickets to take her child to the park and her daughter loves it but you cannot accept that a a form of income.

    Good Luck!

  5. Well I think if you're watching her you get paid... just cause she bought a pass for her daughter to go to the theme park doesn't mean she gets out of paying you to take care of her!  You are still working... if you were going alone as a gift from them it would be a different story.

  6. Generally, yes you should get paid since you will be working.  You won't be able to, for example, ride all the big roller coasters (or whatever it is that *you* want to do), hang out with your friends, or go whenever you please.  Instead, you need to be next to the child taking care of her and escorting her to the children's rides.  If, however, the child is 14 and only needs a ride to the park when you would be going anyway, and you would be free to do whatever you want in the meantime, then it would be ok for them to only pay for food and gas since you wouldn't be working.  

    Giving you the means to accompany the child is not the same as paying you.  If the family provides a car for you to use while escorting the children around to their activities, do they say they bought the car so they don't need to pay you?  Of course not. It's the same with families who take their nannies on vacation.  Even if they pay for your transportation and lodging while they're on vacation, you still need to be paid for when you work.  It's not your vacation if you're working!

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