
I am a nanny who is making 300.00 a week cash?

by  |  earlier

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i work 25 hours a week, monday to friday noon to 5 pm . 12.00 an hour. for one child. does this seem like a good rate ?

i was working 50 hrs a week elsewhere as a nanny and only made 400 a week,




  1. yeah thats a good rate! I watch 3 kids for 30-40 hours a week & only get 200!! I know thats way too low & I'm about to move on.

  2. That seems perfectly fair to me. You could be working at Taco Bell making $8 an hour and stink like fried food. get to be responsible for the upbringing of children which is a beautiful thing. Consider yourself lucky. Best Wishes!

  3. Considering most day cares only charge 150-200/week for an infant I would say that is an excellent rate.

  4. Wow 12.00 an hour for 25 hours a week. Im moving there. I was offered a Nanny Job for 7.00 an hour at 40 hours a week for 3 kids. But I also live in WI we don't get don't paid good here. Some day cares here still only pay 6.50 an hour. so 12 is great for that 25 hours a week I would love to work 25 hours and get paid that much.

  5. yeah, that seems like a fairly good rate :)

  6. That is excellent pay. I used to make $2.50/hr.

    That's better than my full time/with a degree job.

    What state do you live in that you get paid that much?

    Wow, that's great... maybe I need to think about moving.... what about house payments/rent? Here it is around $500/mo.

  7. If you are getting paid cash and your employer is not reporting your income to the IRS you and your employer are breaking the law.

  8. 12$ / hr for babysitting.  Sounds pretty good to me!!  I used to get $2 / hr.

  9. Seems like an avvesome rate to me! There's some people that vvork a 40 vveek and dont even make that much. sounds like they are paying you very vvell, expecially for just one child.

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