
I am a non Asian/African indigenous Brit. media employee, would I have a chance of a job with the BBC?

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I am a non Asian/African indigenous Brit. media employee, would I have a chance of a job with the BBC?




  1. Only if you are small and cuddly and agree to be put back in the cupboard at the end of the working day. A little like the men they employ to report the sports news on the morning news programme, or perhaps, read the weather out. All cuddly and inoffensive, each and every one of them.

  2. yes I think

  3. The mere fact that you need to ask this question should tell you what this **** is about. You know already.

  4. oh of course you would have a better chance

  5. Far too many BBC employees seem to be there to teach us that multiculturalism is something we must have , no choice was ever given,

    Children's programmes, economics, even travel and most educational programmes look distinctly as if they are trying to teach us something. Any foreigner looking only at the BBC would think the UK is 40% ethnic minority

  6. Don't care what right leaning doomsday merchants have to say. The truth is, if you have what it takes, you'd certainly be appealing to any employer regardless of your race. If there are any non-white employees at BBC, it's because they are good at their jobs otherwise they'd be kicked out of there faster than the fastest bullet because this after all is still a white mans world.

  7. if you pretend to be polish, yes

  8. You wouldn't have a prayer mate, and if you are an English indigenous, well there wouldn't even be any point in applying.

    I am not a racist, but i am sick of turning on the beeb and seeing white British people (especially English) being portrayed as if THEY are the minority. Also, have you noticed that with crime shows, the good guys are always black and the evil baddie is invariably white (usually English).

    Why cant it all be a little more balanced? We are told only 10% of the population isn't white British, so that's what should be reflected by the media.

  9. A disproportionately high % of BBC staff are "ethnic foreign origin" This is the BBC, Sky News is not much better, perhaps the government is trying to smooth the shock of millions of 3rd world immigrants flooding into the UK.

    The government can"reccomend" things to the media and they better obey them

  10. haha!  the only english tv seems to be majority wasp's.

    but if feeling persecuted gets you thru the night, run with it!

  11. Definitely NO

  12. Well thats hilarious.  I watched the BBC breakfast news this morning - both presenters white and English, all outside broadcasters white and English.  I went to work all day so cant speak for daytime tv but now im watching the football - both commentators white and English.  Linekar, Shearer, O'Neil and Hanson all white all British in the studio.  Oh hang on Mark Bright is also doing an outside broadcast - even though he is English (yep you can be English and black) he must have got the job because he is black.  

    Perhaps with your infinite knowledge you can explain this then?  No, you just wanted a xenophobic and racist rant.  You wont be employed by any major broadcasting company as they wouldn't want to be embarrassed at some point in the future by a racist rant live on air.  Good luck promoting with BNP radio

  13. Not much, indeed all the channels appear to positively (is that the correct term?) discriminate against natives. I regularly watch the news and find it patronising for ethnics to see that we are making pointless jestures having them represent us on front line telly. I wouldnt mind if the figures represented the population mix (they say 5-10%) but it must be over 50% are of ethnic origin.

    The bbc should be scrapped.

  14. I think it depends on your qualifications. Don't expect to walk in to a job just because you're an 'indigenous Brit'!

  15. About as much chance as a snowball in h**l!  I would think the BBC are being predjudiced against white people because the percentage of whites in Britain is still far greater than ethnics. Except on the BBC

  16. I wonder if I watch the same BBC as other people. Most of the presenters I see are white. Can not say that for the people that work in the background. I am actually trying to think of a black & asia presenter... quite honestly I can not.

    ....Can you give us a few examples......

  17. you're next century's do-do, you should have your own endangered species programme on the BBC

  18. Non-natives are regarded as the new and vibrant direction to go.

    So no you have very little chance.

  19. Idaboss is right you are an endangered species, suggest you contact David Attenborough forthwith. and im not being racist but there is a lot of pandering going on, and switch over to ITV and its no better.

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