
I am a non immigrant , i got stopped for expired permit , took my car have to be in court what will happen?

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I am a non immigrant , i got stopped for expired permit , took my car have to be in court what will happen?




  1. Well, if you're not an immigrant, then you must be a citizen.  

    You'll get a ticket for having an expired permit - they'll probably slap you w/ a fine and some probation time.

  2. What kind of permit are you talking about? An immigration permit or a learners permit?

    If you mean a learners permit, that's not an immigration question. It's a traffic offense question. Try asking that question in the law enforcement section of yahoo answers.

    If you mean an immigration permit, it means you are deportable.

  3. You don't give much information about your situation, but I'm assuming it's more than just an expired permit if they took your car.  And to the person who assumed you are illegal because you are a non-immigrant- there is such a thing as non-immigrant visas for those who are just here visiting or on a temporary basis such as school or a temporary work situation (assuming you are in the USA).

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