
I am a pack rat i keep everything and will never throw it away can no longer afford storage what should i do?

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I am a pack rat i keep everything and will never throw it away can no longer afford storage what should i do?




  1. I used to be the same way. Kept all kinds of stuff. 'May need that again someday'. And true, I sometimes did find a use for that item. But I wouldn't be able to find it, and had to go buy it anyway. So I finally got rid of all that stuff. And now I love to throw things away.

  2. throw your worthless c**p away! your habits are disgusting

  3. Recycle

  4. if your stuff is in boxes put the date on them, if you don't use or open the box within an year of that date throw it out

  5. what you should do and i had to do this come to peace in your mind that it has to go...go thru each and every box.....keep throw away..and yardsale....and sort it just like that..and have one huge yardsale and buy yourself something that you want something that you  havent been able to get because it cost too much..i did this when we moved from nc...i had one in nc..raised 300 bucks..gave a truck load to the disabled veterans..i had 10 truck loads total...i then turned around and moved to georgia and had another and raised another 200 was all stuff i thought i wanted or needed..and some of it was still in the packaging..but it had been in a storage unit for two years..and i had a new house and wasnt about to junk it i do have things from my travel around the world that i saved...all my kids papers things they made..only now i display them in the china cabinet that i bought with my earnings from the yardsale found dirt cheap at a furniture store..i was 100 short of getting it from my earnings but i managed to find the i got rid of the excess and got something valuable in the end..i see my treasures every time i go in my kitchen..try it ..its very liberating

  6. Ask yourself "why do I want to keep all this stuff"

    If it because of the memories, take pictures of the stuff then get rid of the stuff.

    If it is because you think it may have value someday or you may need it. Do what the others say about 3 boxes, then have a garage sale.

  7. go through it and throw papers away that you dont need and if you keep old clothes, give them to charity. they cant help anybody just sitting in a storage unit.

  8. I found this helps. DONATE what you can to Habitat for Humanity. Deduct maybe up to 50% tax deductable. and it is for a good CAUSE. just maybe a little incentive. good luck

    call and tell them what it is,(phone Book),they wiil tell you if they want or need.

  9. Start throwing things away. That's the only solution. Get three boxes. Label them: throw away, keep and give away.

    Pick a room and start sorting into those boxes. If you haven't worn or  used it in a very long time, toss it.

    You will really feel better about yourself and will be free of all this extra stuff. Good luck.

  10. have a yard sale

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