
I am a person that is concerned with hygiene. and I wash my hands all the Time , and have anti-bactrial wipes?

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All the time , people call me "Monk" from the Series , I think its mean cause what I have is not something could control , to wash my laundry I wash my hands , to eat a yogurt I take about 30 just to open the lid .. I have to wash my hand. then, go get the the yogurt from the fridge , after that I go and wash my hands "again" because I believe that people in the supermarket made it dirty and contaminated with germs after that I go get a spoon and get surprised that the person that was in-charge of cleaning it didn't clean it well and go clean it "again" after that , if everything goes well .. I usually eat the yogurt by then . when I was on a trip to a small town everyone was touching the food .. I stayed 3 days Only drinking Bottled water and wrapped cheese , I suffer because of this , just to sleep , despite the number of times I wash my hands ... If someone step ed in my room breathing , or sneezed or did anything I have to clean the sheets *hold that thought* , and wipe everything I will be touching other wise I will be not touching these stuff for a while and till they are wiped books are not read because people constantly keep touching my stuff . *back to the sleeping story* now for example someone sneezed .. I will be washing the sheets in order to make them "Clean" of any kind of contamination but if I have cloths in the dryer and the washer .. that will be like .. I have to wash my hands a hundered times just to get them from washer to dryer , and another hundered wash to get them from dryer to basket but before that the basket will be washed alot and alot ...

it has been way less sever the past 3 years , it increased gradually . I'm really getting sick of it a Hospital trip means contamination and all cloths and shoes will not be worn an less washed, and anyplace with people clustered




  1. I fail to see the question in this story.

  2. It sounds to me like you may have OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  It's not you fault you like everything germ free, but others may see it as "weird" and tease you.

    If it doesn't bother you don't worry about it, but if it does see if you can talk to a councillor or psychiatrist.  This does not mean you or crazy or something, OCD is very common.  They may be able to help relieve some of you anxiety about germs.

  3. using those products not only kills the bad germs but the good germs as well. This cleaning thing is not healthy. You need some germs to build up your immune system as well.

  4. you need to seek professional help. if you allow this to go on any longer it will take longer to cure. its normal to want to wash ect... now a days there is so much going around. but you cant let it control your life. please find someone in your area that can start with treatments. good luck to you.  

  5. i believe you are a germ-a-phobic. i don't know what to tell you  

  6. See a Therapist to help you work through this.  

  7. my friend has that, she says its ocd

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