
I am a pitcher for a little league team and i am not happy with my pitch speed and control.?

by  |  earlier

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what can i eat and do at home to get my pitch speed and control up.




  1. jacking off will give u some great wrist/forearm muscle

  2. Try to get some more arm strength, but if your speed isn't going to be great, have an amazing off speed pitch.  Even if you have 50-60 mph (not sure b/c don't know your age), if you can have a 5-7 mph difference, that would really fool the hitter.  If you have a good coach/catcher calling your pitches, you'll still be able to do well.


  3. Start eating more protein and start banging out pushups even when your watching tv, get down and give me 50 every commercial break!?!

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