
I am a preschool teacher and find CROCS extremely unsafe on the kids, has anyone else run into problems?

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I am a preschool teacher and find CROCS extremely unsafe on the kids, has anyone else run into problems?




  1. You should write it up with acute detail and run it by your school Administration, backed up by any incident reports from your school nurse, assuming that your school has one.  

    Here's a site that might offer some data:

  2. No idea, why would any one want to put plastic shoes on their feet anyway?!?

  3. I see children tripping and falling because of wearing them. In incident reports explaining to parents why the children have hurt their knees, legs, etc., I have listed their "shoes" as the cause. They still continue to wear them. Our director bans open toed shoes, but not these, since some teachers even wear them.

  4. I didn't know crocs could be so unsafe. After looking at that website someone posted above, I will not be buying any for my 2 1/2 year old son. Please read about what happen to the little girl who's crocs got stuck on the escalator and her big toe got ripped off. Very sad and I know very painful for her.

  5. I am a nanny and I dont like them either. The only problem I have with them is that they come off too easily and the children can fall. I wouldnt say that they are extremely unsafe though. Unless of course they have the decorative pins in them. That could be dangerous.

    What's worse than Crocs is those shoes with the wheels in the bottom. Yikes!

  6. Exactly the opposite. I find them very safe. We have a rubber based mulch on our playground and the CROCS help them with traction. I do make sure they always have on the backstrap for safety.

    I also find that they lend to independence in a four or five year as they can easily get them on with no shoelaces to hold them up.

  7. Our schools say rubber soled tennis shoes or boots only. We arent allowed open toed shoes to prevent injuries.

  8. I have seven kids with crocs in my house, and haven't ever had a problem. if the kids are tripping it's probably because they weren't sized right. They run a little large.

  9. Yes, I have seen children trip in them.  I think it's mostly because their feet get so sweaty that they slip out.  You could talk to your principal about getting a memo out.  I think a ban on them would be extreme and not go over well though, since so many children have them.

  10. I teach first and second our rule is no sandel  type of shoes at all. No opening on either toes or heals since we play and run.

  11. I don't know about the safety of the CROCS, but we have banned them from our school. A few children wore them when the CROCS first came out. These poor kids spent most of the time on the bench picking tanbark and other misc. bits and pieces out of their shoes!

  12. Yes I do think they are dangerous. After my daughter tripping over 6 times on hers I finally gave them away and won't allow her to wear them. I think the older children can handle them, but not the younger ones. One rule needs to be set for all though. There are a lot of schools I hear are banning them. They aren't allowed to wear sandals or any opened backed shoes of any kind. I don't know what I would do with my daughter since she has foot problems and can only wear open toed sandals. Thank goodness I homeschool her.

  13. YES. for teachers and students. they are easy to trip on and i have seen both kids and teachers slip and hurt themselves on even a drop of water. i have already brought this to the attention of oour director and i think its something that needs to be known all over.

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