
I am a pretty sensitive person.. how can I get thick skin before I apply for jobs?

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I am a pretty sensitive person and I need to get another job besides babysitting. My family thinks that I will bust out crying if a manager or someone yells at me. That is the only fear I have about getting a job. It would be my first official job. How can I get a thick skin and get over it if a manager yells at me or calls me stupid or something? I have three places [two are at McDonalds] that people I know are going to put good words in for me. Thanks!




  1. Ok, well that happened to me too. I ALWAYS cried in school when the techer yelled at me. I was always embarrassed. So, all I did actually, I grew out of it.

    You can't help yourself when you cry and I promise you will grow out of it. But, if you need to get over it fast try these practice.

    Get someone and pretend for them to be a manager or whatever. Tell them to act REALLY mad and scream at you. When you hear that you might cry but keep telling them to do it and you will get use to it.

    Next, go to someone in school. When they call you stupid or something you won't cry as much. And what about your TEACHERS? They should help you lots. :)) They scream don't they?

    Ask a parent or a grown-up that you trust and let them help you practice. :))

    i hope that helped.  

  2. The nice thing about your situation is you don't NEED a job, so if your McManager is an *** you can quit and tell them you need to focus more on school or whatever.

  3. Thick skin is usually something that develops over time... usually caused by being treated badly (for example, yelled at.) And at McDonalds (which was my first job, by the way) the customers can really be a**holes. They'll say, "I want it without mustard." So they'll get it without mustard, and then they'll come back and say "I said no mustard or onions!" And of course it will be your fault that they forgot to say that. I mean, who are you to forget to read their mind? I'm the same way, sensitive, but I reminded myself that someone else acting like an a$$ isn't the end of the world. And anyway, at the end of your shift you get to get away from them, while they have to go home with themselves. the paycheck will make you feel better, trust me.

  4. I would recommend you go out an buy the book "The Power Of Now"

    by Eckhart Tolle

    You're sensitive because you're living in the past where someone, somewhere, someplace yelled at you.

    Instead of forgetting about it, your ego, or false self played it over and over in your mind and CONVINCED YOU that you're this sensitive crybaby who can't handle herself. Nonsense I say.

    P.S. The Power of Now is the absolute best book I've read in years. and I have over 100 books in my library.

  5. This will take some time but I have taught this to many people over the years.  Each evening before bed and each morning as you arise go to a full mirror if you have one and talk to that person in the mirror as if you are teaching them to be strong.  Smile and say things like gosh you are a great looking person and you really present yourself to people very nicely.  I know you can be anything you want to be and I'll bet you are going to get a job where everybody will love you and your work.  A positive outlook is what you want to give yourself and if you continue this you will become whatever you want to be.  Remember you have the same brain that Jesus Christ has so learn to use it in the same positive way he does.  Be honest always and work hard.  Get to work early and stay late.  When there does not seem to be anything to do invent something and you will see who gets the first promotion.  God Bless!    

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