I'm better than I have been before but now that I'm in an anatomy class, and learning about the body and the bad things that can happen, I'm freaking out even more. Like, OMG, my headache is a tumor. Oh no, my stomache is an ulsur, things of that nature. I'm 17 years old, I've been this way for a quite a while. I know nothing is wrong with me, and that I'm healthy and young and fine but, I HATE this feel of always thinking something wrong. I've lived with it so
I've adjusted, and I was okay for a while then it came back, but now I have to get rid of it for sure. I'm going to be on my own soon, I can't be freaking out about everything. I know this probably sounds really weird but it's a serious thing for me and I just need help. I don't know how to get rid of it. Anyone know, or been through this? Thanks ahead of time.