
I am a recent graduated with a special education degree. I would like to know if any of you all could help me

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with interview question and ways of getting started as a special education teacher. Thanks




  1. The way I got started was by substituting in my local school district and was offered a job within two weeks as a paraprofessional.  Since you are passed the parapro stage (~ Congratulations by the way ~), I would suggest applying online to the school district.  

    While on the website search for job fairs. State job fairs are usually posted on the teacher licensing website for your particular state. Get your resume and references together on 100% cotton paper (if possible), dress to impress and hand out as many as you can.  It is also a good idea to copy your teaching certificate and include that with your resume.

    Make sure to research a school online before you go to any interview!

    Questions you may be asked:

    What types of students have you worked with?

    What was your most challenging student and how did you deal with him/her?

    How would you handle a parent who feels their child deserves a higher grade?

    What type of behavior managment plan will you implement?

    Have you been to an IEP meeting before?

    What types of specialized training do you have?

    Tell me what a typical day in your classroom would be like?

    Have you had the opportunity to co-teach? If so, what was it like. If not, are you willing to co-teach? (inclusion type settings)

    Hope this information helps!

    Good luck to you!

  2. Follow the rules even if they don't make sense to you. Students have gotten hurt because of staff who think they know better than the administration.


  3. Hi... Congratulations on you recent graduation!  I'm a special education teacher, I have been working/practicing for 10 years.  I absolutely LOVE it!  Your friends will envy you because you will be the only one (of them) that LOVES the job!  If I were you, I would contact several districts (in your area) and pick up applications.  You can (sometimes) go on line and download school districts (in your area) and request applications (on line).  Once you are "in" a district (and you make a name for yourself) (many) districts will ask you back to fill a leave replacement position or a permanent sub position.  Good luck to you as you start this incredible journey in your life!

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