
I am a recovering heroin addict?

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i use acupuncture as part of my treatment and find it works do you think more therapy like this should be used instead of methadone and such as these drugs are just as addictive as heroin .




  1. Well done you!!!

    Methadone is just another drug; addicts have been known to break into places where they think it is stored.

    I couldn't see the same thing happenning with acupuncture needles.

    My brother and sister in law used hypnotherapy to break free of cigarette addiction.  Whatever you use, even methadone, there is still a degree of self-motivation required.  Methadone may remove the physical addiction to heroin, but it doesn't replace the psychological need for a mood-enhancing drug, because one is still being supplied.

  2. There should defo more investigation into alternative therapies. However, i'd suggest it worked for you because you were ready to give up. A couple o my mates had acupuncture and unfortunately didn't manage to stay clean.

    Well done on getting and staying clean.

  3. Acupuncture is a system that works on the electro- chemical in the brain that's why you can't overdose like Western Medicines although you can use it too often, and the body get use to it, and it does not work as well.

    More is not better. The practitioner will usually tell you how often the treatment is necessary.

    I listened to a Dr trying to say that the medical field, did test with Acupuncture, with a double blind placebo.

    The findings were that some of patients said that they felt better when the actual treatment was not the correct points used.

    I believe that the body and the mind has in some cases the ability to cure it's self.

    So if it's working for you, have faith that it does work for you.

    I for one believe it will work for you. GOOD LUCK


  4. Hi Ricky,

    Good for you mate I hope you have the strength to succeed.

    I to am an ex heroin & pain killer (codeine) addict but now am a Reiki Master. I have been clean & off the heroin for 10 years & off  pain killers for 3 years. What helped me with the pain killers & can personally vouch for was Reiki it helped tremendously with the pains of the withdrawls & also helped pshycologically. I hope this is of some use to you? Also I will send you some distant healing.

    Good luck,


  5. you know im always a email away and you got mine and tanya support as well as my chris , i know u can bet these huni x

  6. yes i think it should as they are substituting one drug for an other good on you i think its a brill idea good luck on your recovery xx

  7. The Brain Bio Centre London/NJ Princeton helps many like you recover. I think they suggest supplementing 2000mg Methionine per day to lower histamine levels.

    Hope this helps.

  8. oh i think it's wonderful that you're using alternative therapy to beat your problem, rather than just switching to another drug to "solve" the problem. Good for you :)

  9. Alternative therapies like acupuncture should definitely be taken into consideration for those who are trying hard to beat their addictions - you're right, anything that offers a step away from using one drug to wean someone off another can only be a good thing.

    It may be the case that it wont work for everyone, but if there is a chance then it should definitely be offered.

    I wish you every success in your recovery - it's so good to hear a positive suggestion about recovery from addiction.

  10. One thing I cannot recommend enough is EFT.  It incorporates basic acupuncture and you can actually *remove* your cravings.

    Congrats on your ongoing recovery.

  11. i am a recovering pain pill addict. which is opium(same as heroin). i tried everything. so i finally got on suboxone. i am doing great. it is very very expensive and insurance doesn't cover it.  it takes away all withdrawl symptoms. you are right though. it is addictive, but you just wing yourself off of it. if you have the finances you should do that. it is not like methadone, methadone gave me an upset stomach. i have a phone number if you need it.

  12. If it works for one--I don't see why it would not work for others.  Although the methadone is addicting--I have been told it is easier to get off of the addiction--but I have not experienced.  The acupuncture sounds great to me.

  13. Anything that works and doesn't replace one addiction with another, has got to be good news.

  14. You are right why substitute one drug for another when alternative therapys can work just as well! Good Luck and keep it up!

  15. Congratulations on your recovery. I really wish more were like you. You have my full admiration. I actually think it should be used in place of methadone. I'd imagine the recovery is probably better too.

  16. whatever works for you..stick to it

  17. Barley, cayenne, ginseng, lobelia, and spirulina have been known to help in the process of recovering and overcoming addictions. I think that is fantastic and so inspiring that you are taking the proper steps to give yourself your life back! And, if acupuncture is working for  you, keep at it! Here is a great site I found while trying to quit smoking (I know, not even in the same ballpark as overcoming a drug addiction!) but I found very informative and helpful. Good luck to you on your path of recovery!!

  18. Good for you mate, keep it up. I think any treatment that works should be given a go.

  19. I agree wholeheartedly that such treatments work. Unfortunately, as companies like Glaxo can't patent small needles, or tree bark/roots, and then charge the earth for them, the tradtional medicines get pushed out the way in the pursuit of profitable synthetic substances.

    Keep it up my friend, take care.

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