
I am a retired official. i want to do some work on online and earn. how & where tofine work?

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I am a retired official. i want to do some work on online and earn. how & where tofine work?





    “Did you know that thousands people from all over the world including INDIA are earning money from Internet RIGHT NOW, just for receiving ads in email?.”

    The Internet has revolutionized every aspect of human life including the way of earning Now

    Internet gives you an excellent opportunity to earn decent additional income wouldn’t requiring any huge investment. Advertising revenues from corporate bodies, which is otherwise going to media like television channels, radio, newspapers /publications are now given directly to consumers for viewing advertisements on Internet.

    Now is the Right time. Join the Internet Revolution taking place now. Make Money on Internet. Then, you will really realize the power of Net. Many people all around the world including INDIA are earning through Net jobs (both full -time and part-time). Why can’t you be one of them? To learn more about this work on Internet, just go ahead and read the Frequently Asked Question which are given below:  

          FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS RELATED TO                                  THIS WORK ON INTERNET

    What is the actual concept?

    There are many Multinational Advertising   websites on Internet from which you can earn good income without any payment. First of all, you have to register to these websites. Registrations the websites are without any payment. Once you get registered to these websites, you will be to surf the web, answer surveys, read e-mails ads, play games and even to visit web their advertiser’s websites. The things you always loved, now you get paid for it.

    What I have to do ?

    There are many multinational Advertising websites providing many programs like read mails, playing games, complete cash offer, online survey etc.

    Then one question always comes in everyone mind how I will get paid for reading mails, playing games, completing surveys etc.?

                                   Answer is here:


        How to Get Paid to Read Email (GPTRE)(EARN between $1 to $15 per mail):

    Some companies will pay you just to receive and or read e-mail advertisements. You will receive email pertaining to categories you select when you signup. You will have to click a link in the email to be paid for it. Although some don’t mention it, you should stay on the site for 15-30 seconds to make sure you receive credit for the visit. The reason we list so many Paid to Read companies is we believe they will continue to thrive even in the current advertising recession. We suggest you sign up for all these programs. They’re FREE and they don’t require a lot of effort to use. Consequently you will receive more emails and more money!

             How to Get Paid to Click (GPTC)(EARN between $1 to $8 per click):

                  Paid to click companies are good money earners. These companies will pay you to visit their                          advertisers sites and to sign up for FREE offers from other advertisers. You can only visit so many advertisers in a certain period of time; usually about a dozen advertisers in a 24-hour period of time. This keeps people from visiting the same advertisers site over and over to rack up money. This is the main reason we list so many of these companies. You can go down the line and click all the advertisers from each site and make a substantial amount of money (Each company has a different time you must spend on each advertiser’s site to get credit for it. We recommend staying for 30 seconds to ensure you get proper credit)  

             How to Get Paid to Signup (GPTS)(EARN between $5 to $45 per signup):

                 Some companies also encourage you to sign up for FREE offers they and their advertisers are promoting. This is a great way to earn some extra money fast.

             How to Get Paid to Take Surveys (EARN between $1 to $50 per survey)

                 Survey sites are paid by companies to conduct surveys. The survey company then contacts you by email informing you that a survey that matches your profile is available for you to fill out. Surveys can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes and can pay you from $1 to $50 or more. This all depends on the site, the length of the survey, and how fast the company paying for the survey wants the results back. You do not have to complete every survey that matches your profile. You can pick and choose which ones you fill out. You are under no obligation to fill out any particular survey or all surveys sent to you.  

                             How to Get Paid to Surf(EARN between $1 to $20 per surf) :

                Paid to Surf companies will pay you to display a small advertisement banner on your screen while you are online and using your computer. The advertisers based on how many of their ads you viewed in turn pay them. The banner is downloaded from company web site and will display rotating advertisements based on your personal profile (filled out when you sign up). You have to be online so the ads can be sent to the banners and you will have to verify you are using your computer from time to time so the companies know you are viewing the ads. Please remember, paid to surf companies require you to download and install software from their site. Each of the companies you sign up for will add an icon to your desktop when you install their software. Whenever you go online, just double click the icon, the bar will appear and you will be making money. It’s that simple.      

                           How to Get Paid to Play Games (EARN unlimited cash):

    Some companies also are paying to playing games, games are simple like our mobile games and video games and computer games if you win game you can minimum between $100 to $1000 one time for one game.

      How to Get Paid to Refer Friend (GPRF) (EARN between $1 to $30):

        Refer your friend for this companies they will pay you between $1 to $30, and you can earn on their earning also suppose he has completed any survey and he got 30$ for that you will 30 to 40% of that amount from that companies because you have referred him to company, you will get commission on their reference also.


    You have to SIGN UP with each and every company to earn signup money by this way you can earn by signup minimum RS.5000 on the first day. Its our assurance.

    Why would I be paid?

    You are helping the advertising websites and they are returning the favor. They are able to pay you because their advertisers pay them every time they send you a promotion or an ad. Each advertising website has a contract with the advertisers that their products should be seen by a large number of viewers say about a product or service or idea. The multinational companies want their advertisements to be viewed by large number of people all over the world. It creates many things like popularity, brand Loyalty, Better image and so on.

                                                 Do I have to buy something to get paid?      

    No. The websites pay you to view the ads of their advertisers who are advertising on the Internet due to its wider reach. Just like on Television, you view ads but you hardly buy that product. But the more ads a company gives the more popular its products become and it creates a market of its own.


                                                                  From where can I work?

    You can work from your home if you have a computer and Internet connection of your own. Even if you don’t have your own computer then also you can work from an internet café or your office having Internet connection as per the direction of the websites.

                                                   What should be my qualifications?

    You do not have to be a professional to earn money on Internet. All you need is some basic knowledge of computers and a thirst to succeed.

                                                              How do I get paid?

    You will be paid by cheque directly by the advertising websites to the address which you mention, some even pay through popular third party processors like paypal, Egold and Stormpay, which of course are FREE to join.

                                                     When do I get paid?

    You will be paid once your account reaches to the minimum balance as fixed the paying websites. The minimum required balance of each website varies from $1 to $350. The minimum payout balance of each website that you have to accumulate in your account in order to receive payment is very clearly mentioned on their website. You start accumulating dollars in your account once you start doing work for these websites. You can also check your balance anytime by logging on to their websites. Once your account reaches to the minimum required balance, they would release your payment as per their terms and conditions. You would also get to know the amount paid for each work done by you.


                                        How much will I earn?

    It depends on the number of hours you work and the number of websites you are register with. There are thousands of internet users worldwide who are earning very handsomely by doing this work.  Right now our register people earning on an average 700$ to 1200$ (RS.30000 to 50000) approx.

                                           Will I receive the payment from your company?  


    No. You will be paid directly by the advertising websites to the address, which you mention on their registration forms. Our role is to email you a list of all the paying websites. Our motto is to save your time in searching these types of paying websites on Internet. We have no responsibility whatsoever in all respect.

                                                              Why should I join you?

    We have been providing Internet Consultancy to our esteemed customers for more than five years. We have an extensive group of researchers who keep on searching Internet for the websites that offer good income opportunities. We are pioneer in the field Internet Consultancy. We provide you a list of best available websites that give excellent income opportunities on Internet.

                                                          Do you have any Testimonials?  

    A recent article published in leading English Newspaper (Times of India) describes how thousands of Internet users in India are earning money just by clicking web links.

    A few people have sent some emails to us. See yourself to believe on our consultancy.

    This is really the great opportunity for the housewives like me. I am using this and I have already got my 350$ cheque.

    Madhuri Udhwani,Ahemedabad  

    Oh great, I belive I this business. With the small effort I have got my first cheque of 240$ and second 800$ cheque from advertising website.

    Pawan saini,Delhi

    And the good thing is that I have received a cheque of 543$ from Ad. Websites. It was your sincere support that I have achieved this.

    Pradumna kumar mishra, Bhuneshwar      

    I have received my cheque and already my account is more than 300$.

    Suresh Dora, Secunderabad  

    It was a nice felling to see my account increasing daily and I have reached more than 600$ till date.

    Paras Kharel, Merra Road

    Yes , I have to say that there are genuine opportunities on internet after seeing result. I am a student and 980$ (44000/-+) check which I received from Advertising website is the very big amount for me.

    Suraj Renuse, Pune

    Sir , I believe in your business and support. I am regularly getting my cheques.

    S V Balasubramanium, Chennai

    Yes my account showing me results. I am getting success in this business.

    Amit Bhwani, Banglore

    Its amazing I have earned on first day 150$ by signup with some companies it’s really works.

    Ashish karmarkar, ahemadabad

    I can’t believe that I have earned 700$ by playing games on computer which I was playing for just fun. I am going to suggest to my all friends.

    Sangita deshpande, mumbai


                                                      Does it cost anything to join?

    We charge you just Rs.500(ONE TIME PAYMENT ONLY) as consultancy Fee to email you a list that contains the link of all the paying websites along with other relevant instructions and information on how to proceed with each and every step. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU HAVE MAKE THIS PAYMENT ONLY ONCE. This is a very small payment considering what you will get in return.

    And this the only consultancy on the Internet which has added features for Indian people, and even the price is very reasonable and low. Coz we know the importance of your hard-earned money.


    How can I do payment to your consultancy?

                                           Simply By Depositing cheque in Nearest HDFC BANK


    Details of  HDFC Bank Account given below and send us your details of transaction(CHEQUE NO.,CHEQUE FROM WHICH BANK,ACCOUNT NO),NAME,ADDRESS,CONTACT NO. ON OUR



    Account No.:0391050132731

    In favor of Account Name :Vijay Prabhakar Khodage

    Bank NameHDFC Bank Ltd.




      Is there any additional benefit if I pay your consultancy charges?

    Yes. We will also inform you about the new websites with good earning opportunities, which we may come across in near future. We won’t charge you for that. This is an additional benefit, which you will get free of cost if you pay us.


                            Is there any time limit to join these paying websites?

    This offer is valid for limited period only. The multinational websites may stop recruiting individuals once if their targeted vacancies are filled up. We will email the websites on First Come First Serve Basis. So register early to avoid disappointment.

                                                Are you still not convinced?

    Did you realize that an incredible opportunity has just been presented to you? Take action…. NOW! Start creating more time and financial security for yourself and your family. Opportunity strikes only once. This is the time. This is your last chance. This price will be ending very soon.  

    If you still confused then live it because confused people     can’t take decision in life.

                        So, Hurry and Order Now!!

    Vijay Prabhakar Khodage


    Infocus media,

    403,404 &405

    Cannught Garden,

    New Delhi.

    Call me: 9823976764

  2. I don't know what type of work you are looking for, but if you have a personal website or blog you could become an affiliate to companies by placing their ads on you websit.  You can earn anywhere from 5-35% commission on whatever is sold through your site.  However, if you do not have a website, you can get a free one through geocities on yahoo.  The down side, they place ads on the side your site, but you can pay to have an ad free site.  These are a couple of the many companies you can go through to join.

    --- Hope this helps.

  3. about online the qst has been answered in detail by one of the collegues,but it seems icici is hiring retired professionals just visit their site and see if u can get more info.

  4. Pls visit

    First give me full 100 marks, and Best answer award, then proceed further. Thanks.

  5. I think this site may help you

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