
I am a runner and i am wondering what terrains cause the most pressure on joints

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and how do i utilize them to my advantage on race day against my competition




  1. well me and my high school team ran quite a bit on roads and thats def not a good thng, i would def suggest staying on the softer surfaces as much as you can. a tempo run every now and then on some roads wont kill you, but my knees bother me a lot lately from all the road running we did in the past. also running on a treadmill is horrible for your joints/knees mainly

  2. Dirt isn't very good for me. Anything unflat.

  3. I don't understand what you mean by utilize them, but...

    Downhills are crappy on the knees if  you run them too fast. Concrete, asphalt.

  4. the harder the surface the harder the impact on your joints. you'll be alright on anything as long as you have a decent pair of shoes

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