
I am a s***w up and a failure.?

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I lost my scholarship because I got a 2.9 cumulative GPA instead of a 3.0.




  1. Just keep going and doing your best the same happened to me.  I had a 3.49 so I missed the A honor roll.  sometimes the chips don't fall where you wanted them to.

  2. I guess you can be exactly what you say you are if you think that. If you tried your best and you know you did then you're not a s***w up, if you purposely failed then you are a s***w up just not a failure yet. You can become a failure the minute you give up and just decide to quit, which you will regret later on if you do.

    At this point it is all up to you to decide which way you want to go. You don't say if you are in college or HS, but I'm thinking college. Why not explain to the teacher maybe there is a way to get the scholarship reinstated.  

    Good Luck.

  3. what you think your a s***w up for that well im only 15 and im not that smart so dont feel bad

  4. Keep your head aint no failure

  5. Use this as motivation to do better.

    Don't go the route of feeling down about yourself...

    If you identify yourself as a failure then you will

    have an excuse to fail again.  If it's a mistake

    you made, learn from it and keep going!

  6. Find out if they will renew it if you bring your GPA above a 3.0 and then do what you have to get the money back.  I know some schools will allow you to appeal the decision and give you a chance to earn it back.  It is worth a shot if you have not already checked into that option.

  7. that doesn't constitute being a s***w up and a failure.  Those are just a bunch of numbers and can't have that be a negative impact on you.  There's other ways around it

  8. When one door closes, another one opens. Take a look around and consider the fact that maybe this has happened because another opportunity presents itself. There is a reason for everything and perhaps it is better to shift the way you are feeling about yourself so you can better see your next steps. There's a lesson for you in this, don't miss it because you're busy being mad at yourself.

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