
I am a second year female hunter who is trying to make homemade attractants. Any suggestions??r=1217943066

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I have a trail camera out, with corn, and buck jam. Someone on here as I was browsing through one day, just looking, suggested peanut butter. Yeah, uh, if I was looking to hunt coons that would be awsome. I had about 20 pics of coons l*****g the heck outta that tree!! Corn is getting really expensive and I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for homemade ideas!! Thanks!!




  1. Deer love apples.  You are aware what you are doing is illegal.  Happens to be against the law to bait animals.  You know if you cant hunt legally you might as well get out of it, find something else to do, legally.

  2. Well, how can I put this sensitively, Hmmm.

    I guess I could say that you are already manufacturing a pheremone attractant at certain times of the month. As long as your local hunting seasons line up with this time of the month, this will actually help attract deer in and of itself. I know one female hunter in particular who has bagged three bucks by sitting in her stand and letting them find her. The only thing she does is add a bit of doe-in-heat to a used pad and deposits it near the base of her tree. I'm not kidding or trying to be funny. That's what she does, and It actually works!

    I sincerely hope this answer does not offend you, or any other female hunters,  as that is not my intention whatsoever! Pheremones are a powerful attractant!  

  3. People around here (NC) use corn mostly in their feeders, so I'd stick with that for a while, but the apple idea sounds good too.  The placement of your cameras are important too, but I'm sure you already know that.  By the way the answer that "Jim" left is not totally accurate.  It's perfectly legal to bait deer where I live and lots of hunters put out corn feeders.  As far as the legality goes, don't depend on any of us here on Answers for that.  Go to your states' Division of Natural Resources website and find out for yourself.  It can vary from animal to animal and from county to county in certain states.  Answers is a great site, but there are a lot of posers who really don't know what the h**l they are talking about, and there are even some people that come to the hunting section that pretend to be hunters, but who are really anti-hunting. The best thing to do is check out your own state's laws. And when someone like "Jim" tells you something that is inaccurate and then follows it up with something like "get out of it and find something else to do", be very suspicous of any future advice he gives. He may possibly be someone who actually wants to discourage or even eliminate hunting.  You can find out a lot about a contributor by checking out his/her profile.  Unless he has them hidden, you can check out his/her answers and questions and sometimes that will give you a pretty good idea of who you are dealing with.  The apple advice was pretty good though.

  4. I agree w/ the apple idea, also maybe try a mineral block.

    Good Hunting...

  5. Try alfalfa

  6. You could always plant out an area of vegatation that would attract whatever animal you are hunting for. I don't have enough land to do that so I never really pay that much attention to the concept but apparently lots of guys sow in plants that the deer like in order to get them to come. I know I am forever seeing articles about that in Field and Stream, etc.

  7. Vanilla works for me!*

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