
I am a senior in high school and I don't know what I want to do after.?

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At one point I was thinking about doing psychology until I found out it require EIGHT years of school. I can not do eight more years of school. I want to do something that I can make a lot of money doing, but not having to do so many years in school. Any suggestions? I was also thinking about nursing. What are the different feilds in that. Thanks in advance.




  1. Nursing is a field where you can always have a job. With a nursing degree, you can work in a hospital, a doctor's office, you can teach or do research or be in administration. There are many, many things a nurse can do! And there's always a need. The pay isn't going to make you rich, but it's pretty good, especially for the amount of education that's necessary. But looking for a lot of money with little work is not a realistic road to travel. Those who get rich without education usually stumble on something or are in the right place at the right time. I wouldn't count on that!

  2. NUrsing for most is an excellent choice.

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  3. haha, i was thinking about psychology too, (kind of like a therapist or psychologist) - but i'm still not sure if it's really want i want to be doing for the rest of my life. i never knew it required 8 years of schooling after university? just to let you know, there are not many jobs out there that you will be making a lot of money & not do so many years of school in. you get what you work for, right? i think it's best that you go into something that you have at least a little bit of interest in. think about your favorite hobbies, what you like to do, what you're interested in, and it could lead to a job. i'm the artistic type, but it doesn't mean i have to be an artist. i'm actually thinking of going into interior design. it all depends on the person. nursing doesn't really have much "fields" in it, it's pretty much being a nurse. i wanted to be a teacher for the longest time, but i kept considering the money issue. teachers don't make that much money. they make money, but not as much as i would like to. i'm going to work hard, and that's hopefully going to bring me to a place where i could decide what i want to be and how much i'm making. all you need to do is perservere. you could do some research on pretty much ANYTHING, widen your limitations, and keep preparing. it's good that you're trying to find things out, but don't worry too much - everyone has their own calling and you'll eventually be happy if you're doing what you love to do. but then again, you could end up doing something you've never imagined you might be doing. anyways, i'm not sure if this has helped you in any way, but i hope it did (sorry, it's a little long). good luck! i'm sure you'll find something that will interest you.  

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