
I am a short girl?

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i am 4.9 inches in height...fair and wearing parents are searching for a partner but nobody is liking me...they say i am short... i am wearing they dont want..many alliance went away saying these reasons...r these my fault...y people r not understanding this...y do they give preference to outward appearence.....i am fed up.... sometimes feel like dieing........




  1. beauty is within...You have to love and except yourself before anyone else can. And stop looking for love, let it come to you.

  2. Maybe try contacts.  Someone will like you.  Short girls are cute!

  3. how old are you?  i suggest you give up on your parents looking for a husband for you, since that's barbaric, and find someone you LOVE.

  4. you wanna go out i love short girls?

  5. Heck Im 5 foot tall myself. Its all how you look at it. Keep a positive attitude and dont let it get to you.  I agree you should look for the guys and not your parents.  Get out there and meet people. Wheather your short or tall,fat or skinny,wear glasses or not--these are only outward features- you need come out of your shell and stop letting these things be excuses.  Someone you actually want to have a relationship with will only care about whats inside not out.. Good luck!

    ps. In my experiance I have used my height as a way to joke and make small talk in order to break the ice.

  6. I am 4'10" tall and from my extensive dating experience, guys absolutely LOVE short girls.  I wear glasses as well, but they are young and funky and suit my face well.  Everyone I have ever dated has always been an entire foot taller (or more) than me.  My daughter's father was 6'5" tall!

    There's nothing you can do about being short.  Embrace your body as it is!  If you obsess about being short, then guys will be turned off by it, but only because of your attitude!

  7. There is someone for everyone and you will find someone.  Somtimes you find the right person when you stop looking and focus on yourself and your life.  Make yourself a success and build your self esteem.  

    BTW- Being short has nothing to do with anything, my sister-in-law is 4"9" and she has been married for 20 years.

    21 is way too young to think you are never going to find someone, you have SO much time.    Don't worry so much!

  8. I don't think your height has much to do with it. I am only 5'3 and I also use correction glasses. I didn't got married until i was 25. Don't worry so much about it, enjoy life and be patient, your time will come.

  9. I am sure you will be able to find your true love on day. Those people who are turning away from you probably don't even deserve to be your friend. I don't think you have to worry about your height or appearance, I do think true love is beyond that. It is also about personality, so keep searching, i am pretty sure that you will find your partner.

  10. I am 5ft 3in, and though it's not as short as you, my grandma was your heighth and owned it.   I LOVE being short!  You can date tall guys or short guys!  I think you should start being more comfortable in your own skin.  You will never be happy with someone else until you're happy with yourself.  I am sure you are beautiful, no matter what anyone says, and there will be someone who thinks you are beautiful, you just haven't found him/her yet.  Contacts and laser eye surgery work or maybe try a different style of glasses.  Glasses have a sophisticated and intelligent look, so don't fret over those.  As for the white skin, I am WHITE!  Just think of it as EVERYONE can tan, but there are few of us who  have the porcelain doll skin.  Tan is skin damage, and those beautiful bronzed bodies are going to be the ones that are saggy and wrinkly by their 40's and 50's, while we'll still have beautiful porcelain skin.  Take care of it and own it!  Think of Liv Tyler and Nicole Kidman!  Their most admired attribute is their white skin!   Anyone who is making you feel self conscious maybe isn't a very good friend to you, and probably have their own insecurities, so making you feel bad makes them feel better.  Don't let anyone get you down!  Life is beautiful and you are young, so enjoy it while you can!

  11. Glasses are no problem - switch to contact lenses!  As for your height, you sound very petite all over, I wonder, do you wear high heeled shoes when you meet these potential husbands?  If you dont then perhaps you should give them a try.   A lot of guys like petite girls they think theyre cute and feminine.  Be more confident and show of what you think are you're best assests.  

    Also have you tried internet dating, that way you can get to know a person through email and Instant messenger chats before meeting and perhaps the physical attributes that you think put men off wont matter once they've gotten to know your lovely personality.

  12. Short girls are fine. It's all in the attitude, not as much the looks.

    h**l, at 5'6" I'm considered short for a guy. BUT I have a functional Napoleon complex which ensures my success, lol.

    Stop having your parents look for you, and just live for the moment. The best life has to offer is what is never planned, or sought after, but what is found.
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