
I am a single female looking to relocate to Canada . what area is deemed most safe? is good for dating?

by  |  earlier

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I want an area that doesnt have too harsh a winter and where there is lots too see and do? Im considering Vancouver, Toronto , Edmonton. im open to suggestions. by the way im a African American. So somewhere where skin colour is no object. thanks for your answers!!!!




  1. no not Vancouver not right it was really good it was good same as hope prince George Ashcroft kamloops but Vancouver nope not right nowt,o,god i hope not,Halifax would be my guess the last part of  it I am having a little trouble with i am having trouble with last your question,, we do have,,,bad people,, and ya they might even judge you ,,,but this is canada we built the under ground network please!!!!!!  or railroad!!! also as far as I know I am not sure but as far as i know we had no slaves here black or whitesome people are just are just real ---hole  but you will get them all over the world as a country well we are still having a few growing pains,,,, but most  and I do mean most no loner or have ever felt like that  how can you judge a city well i shall give this one this and that one that its not going to work and that kind of thinking its self destruckive sorry about the spelling the key have gotten wet againya Ispilled my coffee

  2. Not sure where you are from, but if you aren't already from Canada you can't just move to Canada because you want to. There are proper channels to follow and paper work to fill out.

    If you don't want a harsh Winter you might want to reconsider TO, Vancouver and Edmonton. They get pretty harsh winters. I can't think of any where in Canada that doesn't get cold winters.

  3. I have been to Vancouver and Halifax. I love Vancouver and is a diverse area with friendly people.


    you can even learn french while you're here

  5. If you want to go where skin colors is no object then I'd say Toronto.

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