
I am a single mother divorced and i am pregnant but im not married. do i have grounds to have a termination?

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i am a sunni muslim. 27 years of age, i am divorced and have a 2 year old but i am pregnant once again but out of wedlock. is oborting haram for me




  1. Just go Iran and ask for help, they will be more than happy to help you!

    If you are indeed a Sunni as you profess, then you are in deep c**p!  Go to your local health department and ask them. Laws vary from state to state.

    I do not need to tell you how wrong you are though. You already know.

  2. look lady you got to do what ever it takes for you to live this is 2008 almost 2009 and **** happens but you need to say enough is enough and i have to look after me and mind ,**** who ever is not on board ,it my life and i need to live too so yes do what ever you have to just to make it because this world is a cold hard world now and allah will forgive you at the end but a man would never // they don't understand.and you can always find a man with having one child but now with more then that . i know it happen to me as well but i'm fine now peace my sister.

  3. that is no excuse.

    you are old enough to know better and you get no sympathy from me!

    either stop having s*x or use protection.

  4. instead of terminating the pregnancy why not carry the baby and give it to someone thats not able to conceive or that will give the baby a good life..

    if you make arrangements while youre pregnant then the adopting parents would b willing to help with the finances that come along with the pregnancy..

    dont end this poor childs life...let some childless couple or another good family adopt it...

  5. my opinion....anyone who has s*x without protection should be forced to carry baby FULL term.If you dont want to keep it then give it up for adoption.

    Your 27 years old!!!!!YOU should know better.

    Thou shall not kill !!!! What part of that dont you understand?????

  6. i dont know anything about your faith, but if you really dont want another child you could terminate the pregnancy or give the baby up for adoptions its completely your choice

  7. Sorry but I don't know much about your religion, how strictly you follow it or what country you live in.

    If you live in the United States abortions are legal.  Make sure this is what you really want to do.  Do you have any friends you can trust?  You shouldn't have to go through this alone

  8. It all depends on your faith and personal choice. While I believe a woman has the right to choose there are other options available. Look into adoption. There are many people out there who could give your child a wonderful life, many of whom can not have children of their own.  

  9. This is a personal decision one must make on their own.  You just weigh your options.  You could put the child up for adoption.  

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