
I am a single mother of one if the Chicago area searching for low income housing in any area. Any suggestions?

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I live in the Chicago area, but I am willing to relocate if I can find low income housing. I work and go to school, but I cannot live where I am living now for too much longer. I am willing to live anywhere in the Indiana, Illinois, Iowa area, but I just need some help knowing where to start looking and what I am looking for. Any assistance will be more than helpful.




  1. Move in with someone or tell them you want to live in their basement.  People should be willing to let you move into their basement, they could use the extra 400 dollars a month.

  2. If you're looking for inexpensive housing, manufactured housing is surely one avenue to explore -->

    Another avenue is to explore HUD (Housing and Urban Development) homes -->

    Since I'm not sure where exactly what city you are looking at relocating to within the three suggested states (Indiana, Illinois or Iowa), I can only suggest that you type into any search engine the following:

    low income housing indiana

    low income assistance illinois

    low income help iowa

    ... something of that nature.

    I did a quick search on "low income housing indiana" and came up with all kinds of goodies... for example -->

    Check with local women's organizations such as the YWCA.  Usually an organization like that would offer loads of suggestions.

    Here are a few more websites that may be of interest:

    And are you restricted to only live in Indiana, Illinois or Iowa?  Here's another site that may help you think about other places for residence (they happen to include a few spots in your ideal states) -->

    Best of luck to you and your family --- if anyone hasn't told you already, you're doing a great job and you WILL succeed!

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