
I am a skilled technician of aircraft maintenance engineering.Where and how i can get a job?

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I am a skilled technician of aircraft maintenance engineering.Where and how i can get a job?




  1. I hear McDonalds needs some drive thru help on the graveyard shift. You could apply there

  2. Nowadays aviation is like boomtown,try the big airlines,if not any aviation company might want you,depend on what you specialize in.

  3. What makes you a skilled technician? Where did you acquire these skills?

    Companies like BAE systems and the like do contract work for the US military, installing equipment upgrades.

  4. The problem with major airlines right now is that a lot still have mechanics on layoff or they are simply closing shop.  I was just recently recalled last year to AA and once again layoffs are in talks to due contract negotiations.  My best recommendation for you is to check out Corporate Aviation.  I worked that for 4 yrs on layoff and the pay was actually better but you are working on much smaller aircraft and much smaller shops.  Corporate also allows mechanics without a license to work along with other A&P's but in the last 5 years there have been so many laid off mechanics with their license your odds are a little against you.  Maybe you know someone who can help you get on...but your best bet is to defintalely get your tickets and be consistent in your applications.  Are you willing to move to coastal cities?  You'll find a lot of airlines that need employement are in LGA, ORD, LAX, SFO, MIA, just be prepared if you are going to get on with an airline, you might be stationed in a high cost of living city. I wish you all the luck in your future career.

  5. IF you have your A&P license, then I don't know why you haven't contacted the airlines.. and if you DON'T have an A&P license, then nobody is going to hire you.  Even in bad economic times, the airlines still hire A&P mechanics because it's government mandated they do routine maintenance... which American Airlines recently found out.

  6. I'm in the Adult Entertainment Industry. Send me your picture, I'll see what I can do

  7. try the army or Marines♥ they have good jobs. My dad is one, but he isnt like a real soldier who could get deployed

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