
I am a stay-at-home mom and I'm looking for the best way to make $500 a month. I currently sell AVON, but don

by Guest56991  |  earlier

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don't think that is going to do it for me. Please help. I'm looking for a good job for stay-at-home moms....the key is that I want to do it in my own time!




  1. How about Mary Kay

  2. Hello Jennspur! If you're wanting to work on your own time, then it's probably not an at home job that you're looking for. Just like a job in an office, a job at home still usually has set hours that you need to work. You can work on your own time with a home business, though. That's what I do. I don't have to sell anything, got started for free, and work when I choose to! I love that, but still try to work at least a little bit everyday. We have a plan that will allow you to earn more than you're after each month, quickly, too.

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