
I am a struggling artist trying to support my family and i need to sell my drawings where on line cani do that

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i am a 22 year old man with a child and i live in the small city of Greenville KY. I need help selling my art work.I can draw anything from people to tattoo flash work but i don't know how to sell any of them can someone help me by telling me where in the net i can go to sell my work thank you by the way my name is Tomas





  1. You can try Etsy.  They have a wide array of crafts and artwork.  It doesn't cost much to list your items, and they stay on there for 4 months.  My mother makes purses, and I've made some jewelry and had luck selling it online there, so maybe that will work for you as well.  Best of luck to you.

  2. etsy or ebay

  3. The art market is very slow right now because of the economy.  I am sure your area is just as impacted by $4 gas and inflation, recession and the mortgage crisis.

    Not being able to access any images of your art, I am not sure what might be available to you for some cash turn-around in your area.  If you can do small murals or characters on walls, you could avdertise that you are available for home mural painting (like the kind they do on Home Makeover shows)  

    Unfortunately it actually takes money to make money in art.  Art sells better when it is framed, or at least matted.  If you were to try to sell your art locally, you would need to be sure you were within the law if you wanted to vend it on the streets.  Seeing as the summer art festival season is fast coming to a close, your options may be limited.  If there is any kind of a tourist market nearby, you might see if you could offer your art talents there.  

    Online you are competing with millions of talented artists and beginners and the world is just huge out there in the cyber-art-studio.  Having a website where your art can be seen is a start. . . but only put your best efforts online.  Practice daily and work to expand the repertoire of what you do.  Get good at being a colorist. . . . meaning learn to simplify your images in terms of color and form.  Study up on color theory, as it will help in flash, tattoo making and other art genre.  

    If you do flash, you might consider finding a GOOD tattoo artist to give you lessons and an apprenticeship.  While work is not always steady, they do make pretty good cash and if your work includes more original and artful images, a good tattoo artist does have  measure of respect in the art world today.

    In the mean time, good luck bringing in enough income to support your family.  Don't quit your day job even if you can find work in the art field . . . as it is a fickle place!  Last year I sold about a dozen paintings. . . this year so far. . . NONE!    


    It's a great art community, and people can buy prints from you ^____^

  5. eBay!!!! :D

    I buy things off there all the time<3<3

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