
I am a student and I am going to spend a year in France.what city should I choose??

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My choices are: Paris, Lyon, Havre, Limoges, Montpellier, Pau, Reims, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Tours, Cergy, Castres, Caen, Bordeaux.

Please choose your top 3 with the following criteria:

-if there is an airport in the town

-how s the life there/how beautiful the town is

-how expensive it is

-how dangerous at night!!





  1. hi ! i'm french and my english is not very good so excuse me if i make some mistake ;)

    for me the top 3 would be :

    1- Toulouse : there is an airport in the town

      the town is really beautifull and the weather is very nice.This is the first "studient's town" in france (i don't know if the sentence is correct ) and so there is a lot of young people and the evenings (and night) are very it's not dangerous if you stay in the center of the town. To finish, i'd say that it's not very expensive;

    2- Paris: There are 2 aeroports, and of course it's very very beautiful, maybe the most beautiful town of your list. I think that the most interesting in Paris is all the things you can do there (there are so much places you can visit... )

    but the life is very expensive and it's very difficult to find an i think it's a little bit dangerous at night (some districts )

    3- Montpellier: there is one aeroport too, and the city is very's smaller than the two other and the ambiance is very fun (some times you can even feel like if you were in a village ^^ ) and...the city is very near from the's really a nice town,the life is not very expensive, but there are less things you can do there.

    i hope you have understood my english and i wish it was helpfull :)





    Among your criteria you forgot one : your chances to be surrounded by english-speakers - which is probably not your aim - In my 3 cities they are low -

    I recommend  Strasbourg in particular, because it's a city which is widely turned toward future and Europe - you'll experience a location of mixed culture - germanic and french

    High level gastronomy


    Affordable prices in "normal" districts -

    Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany are not far - For Germany only one bridge over the Rhein

    Just one word more : southern cities are not the best places if you want to work hard, at the time when you stay - so please choose northern, or half northern cities - Don't choose Paris - you'll be " a nothing in the ocean"- personal contacts in Paris are VERY difficult

  3. Lyon is a sunny city !

  4. But Paris....need I say more?  It's, like, the center of the Universe!  If I were going to study in France, that might be my first choice.

    Of course, there is that nasty reputation Paris has for being snooty, but then, it IS Paris!

  5. France is not a dangerous country at night!! Lol!!!!

    You should choose Toulouse. It's a great place for students, there are three universities and a some foreign students. You would be near the mountains, the sea and the ocean. People are really really great there, it's a great place for parties!!

    It's pretty cheap compared to Paris.

    There is an airport there.

    The weather is great.

    The city is beautiful.

    Strasbourg is also a nice city, but too much racists there. Too bad.

    Paris is great but not for students unless you have a lot of money.

  6. Definitely Paris, I spent 4 months studying there and it's beautiful.

    There are 2 main airports 30 mins away from the city

    Life is just amazing !

    Not very expensive ... depends on where u shop... latin quarters are affordable

    Not dangerous at all

  7. I recommend Lyon, it's a sunny place, not too hot, not too cold... a beautiful town.

    I recommend Strasbourg too, because Switzerland,  Germany and Luxembourg are not far from it, it's a nice town, and dangerous it depends where you go... But about airport, it's a little complicated, because it's 20 km far away the town (but you can join it by bus, you must buy a ticket for this)

    Toulouse, too... close to Spain

  8. Toulouse is very nice, loads to visit. And you're close to Spain if you want to head down there. Also, you can head east to Nice, Cannes and Monaco, make sure to take the train to do that, the scenery is amazing. Montpellier has the same advantages, being in the relativelly same area, but its not as nice as Toulouse. I say stay away from Paris. Its overrated. Plus, prices there are ridiculous.

  9. 1. Lyon- I am studying there right now and I absolutely love it! I visit Paris about once a month and I always want to come back to Lyon. There is an airport here, with flights all around Europe. Life here is fantastic and it is a great city for students. There are many universities here and a lot of bars (if you're into that kind of thing, I am!). The town is so, so, so beautiful! It has a lot of history and the food is fantastic. It's not very expensive, my apartment costs about 400 euros a month, and it's a 5th floor walk up. It's not too dangerous at night, I feel safe as long as I have someone else walking with me. You should choose this city because it's amazing!

    2. Paris- An absolute wonderful city, tons of culture! Of course there is an airport. The city is beautiful as everybody knows but the downside is that it is very expensive. I'm sure there are cheap places in the city, but they may not be in the best part. I try and be home before 1 or 2 in the morning if I go out at night, I'm not sure how dangerous it is.

    3. Bordeaux- I have only visited here so I can't really say too much. It's a beautiful city with lots of history, but I'm not sure if there is much of a student life. It's not extremely expensive and it's beautiful. And I'm not too sure about the safety.

    Hope this helps!

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