
I am a surfer who is really looking for a New age surf car.What new car looks surfer?

by  |  earlier

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Anything you would think that looks surfer but is safe enough for a new driver. Wagons, Vans, SUV, anything. Just what looks like a surfer car when you first see it you know the person is a surfer.




  1. Anything. Just get racks. Who cares what you drive? Its how you surf that matters

    or do you not surf? this question smells kookie......

  2. You seem to be putting a lot of effort into what others think about you

  3. Land Rover

  4. I'm sorry not trying to be mean but its sounds like you are looking for the surfie look. Who cares. Get the best deal. The cheapest and has the best mileage.  

  5. Not to seem unfriendly, but I have a few of problems with your question. One, if you are old enough to "get" a car, and your parents have influence over what is "safe or not", it sounds to me like Mommy and Daddy are buying you a car. Is that so? If that is the case, you should be VERY, VERY grateful, and take whatever they buy you, and be damned satisfied with it. For my first car,  I shared a car with my Mom, when I was lucky, and my children bought there own cars!

    Second, surfers don't drive any specific car. I drive a big SUV, but I earn enough money to drive it, and I only use it, "on the road."  Around town, I have a much smaller, greener, more economical car. Where I park to surf most of them time, there are pick-ups, and SUVs and beat-up old sedans, and yuppie Volvos, and rich guy Mercedes.

    Third, if you are picking a car to look like a surfer, forget it. You are a surfer based on what you don in the water, not on the highway. Anything else, is POSING.

  6. my favorite was a 4x4 truck with a sticker that read "surfing sucks. don't try it."

    I drive a newer VW pop top eurovan and an older beat up pick up truck with no stickers.

    I have only one suggestion: VW Jetta Wagon TDI: Get's better highway mileage than any other car.

    I have to agree with evans. When we see a car of teenagers pull up with a bunch of stickers, we think they are posers.

    The guys that rip the hardest up here in Northern California drive 80's hatchbacks and lay the board down over folded down backseats. They don't have any stickers except maybe one to support some ocean research or something like that. They wear no name brand flannels and flip flops. They usually go solo, not with groups.

  7. Any car with a surfboard in it lol. In terms of usability, a truck or SUV is probably best because you can fit more surfboards in there.

  8. A beat up pick up truck, or an old van  with surf stickers on the rear windows.

  9. pick up truck or suv. have lots of room for boards. even those huge malibu boards. but dont be a poser and use the car just for the look. ya gotta surf or theres no reason of getting a surf looking car unless youre a poser.

  10. how about buying a car, not covering it up with stickers, and proving yourself in the water.

    i worked in a surf shop for a few years through college--and the first thing (the guys) thought of when a car like that pulled up was----KOOK!!!!

    dont try and be something you obviously ARE NOT!!!!

  11. yeah surfing isnt about new aged cars and stuff surfing is alife style not a style.

    but i know many people like surfing as a style.

    me i drive a old vw kombi ive had it for years its nothing fancy dosent look good isnt fast but it does the job.

    all the young wannab surfers around here drive subaru liberty wagons with all the stickers and c**p.

    nothing looks surfer no materialistic c**p anyways.

  12. anyone who says "i'm a surfer" is really trying to find an identity.

  13. The Ford Flex has a lot of customization potential. Look at that one. It's very modern yet can be a surfer's car easily.

  14. You are a joke if you really want to get a car that people think you are a surfer.  The reality of it is that you probably aren't a good surfer so why are you trying to be something you are not.  If you want to surf just so people know that you surf and to be cool that you are surfing for all of the wrong reasons.

    You should be grateful with what ever car you get and don't complain.  

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