
I am a taurus girl, what sign would be good for me. ?

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I don't know what sign would be a perfect match. Now I understand that nothing is perfect, but i would like to know the best.





  1. libra they go with anything :)

  2. Get real and ignore the horoscope garbage.

  3. Well of course whoever is compatible with you and your personality regardless of astrological sign :)  

    The thing about astrology is that it is incredibly detailed and actually complex.  When you say you are a taurus, I am guessing that you are talking about your sun sign.  In addition to the sun sign, the moon and rising signs also contribute greatly to our astrological profile.  Then there are planets and signs found in various houses at different times that really begin to individualize us much more than something as general as a sun sign, which is what pop culture horoscopes and astrology are about.  Your sun sign can say very much or very little about you depending on all the other astrological influences of your profile.  So it is hard to say which sun sign would be most compatible with you since - albeit significant - they are only one aspect of our profile.  

    You can use your birthtime and birthplace to create a natal (birth) chart to use for more thorough readings.  Here is a site that does them for free

    Enjoy! :)

  4. I am a taurus, and I married a taurus.  It's not supposed to work, but it does.  We are both VERY stubborn, but because he is more stubborn, I have learned how to be less stubborn (well, most of the time, anyway).  Taureans can be good at arguments, and sometimes I like a good argument, and only another taurus can give me a good run for my money.

    My ex-husband was a libra.  DROVE ME NUTS!!  He was way too balanced and there was no fun, no debates, no good conversations and he was way too wishy-washy.

    My mom was a scorpio and taureans and scorpios DO NOT get along at all.  Their words tend to "sting" and I have had bitter arguments with every single scorpio I knew (not fun arguments like me and hubby), and normally after three hours with a scorpio I must leave (mom, friend, or whomever).

    My daughter is Sagittarius and we get along well for the most part, although we are both very sensitive and that could get bad sometimes, but my prayers were answered when I wanted her birth to be late, so she wouldn't be a scorpio because then I surely be in trouble!!

    So if you want someone who loves to eat, who'll engage you in good conversation, have your love of independence and fun - get another taurean!!!   You'll understand eachother better than anyone else can!.

  5. They say earth and water go together. But, I'm air sign (Libra) and I often attract Taurus males. Just go for what feels right. No one can tell you what is good for you based on signs. My mom is a Virgo, and she married two fire signs. But, really, at the end of the day, its really about who you love. I guess, you haven't met the one yet. When you meet the one, you'll know. It won't have any thing to do with the signs. Trust me on that. If you happen to be compatible based on signs, great! If not, as long as there is committment, communication, and compromise, any love can work and it won't matter what sign.

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