
I am a teacher with an almost three year old. She has slept through the night since 6 weeks, until now....?

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The past two months, she has been waking at night. Normally between 2 and 3, she comes walking in, mommy, tapping. I am so exhausted. When I put her back in bed she wants me to sit with her, rub her back, something, sing to her. I don't know what to do I am exhausted. Has anyone else had issues with this?




  1. If she naps during the day, this might be a sign that it times for her to stop doing so. Otherwise, I would try sitting with her as she falls asleep the first time; maybe the added sense of security will. help her sleep better. =]

  2. I had issues with my 15 month old going to bed, period. (I'm a a teacher, too) And when I got to the point when I was so exhausted I couldn't remember my name, I just started putting her in the bed at the same time every night and leaving her there. Even if she cried during the night, I did not go to her. If your child comes to your room calling you, simply walk her back to her bed and then leave the room. Don't sit with her or prolong the bedtime. Use a night light also, they have ones that change colors at Target. And put on a book on CD or classical music turned down softly. Children MUST be trained to go to bed, or else you will end up suffering.

  3. Yeah, my 2 y.o daughter slept through the night up until about 3 weeks ago. She comes into my room at about 1 and wakes me up. I have to take her back to her room and rub her back until she falls asleep.

  4. This is a behavior. Children have to know they will not get their way. You have to be firm yet caring. No more staying up to comfort the little ones. They do this because they have a drive to get what they want. She knows it will work. You have to let her know that when it is bedtime it is exactly that. This seems innocent but in reality she is playing her cards and winning. You have to be firm and let her know that you are in charge and not her. She may cry a bit for a few nights but it has to happen. She will continue this as long as you let her.

  5. I have heard of people having issues but I dont know how to stop it. It is hard getting up a couple of times a night while working. Maybe her dad could take turns or if that isnt an option you might just have to tough it out =( Sorry. Is she getting up for a reason or just because she woke up, maybe have a night light in there, she may wake up and be scared because its dark and go wake you up.

    Either way good luck

  6. i had the same problem with my daughter. it turned out she was having night terrors the hv told me to wake her up just before i went to bed  to the point where she answered her name /take her to the loo and then put her back in bed . i did this for a week  and it worked it seemed to break the cycle.

    good luck.

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