
I am a teen about to get my first car and am wondering if a "green" car is affordable?

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I am a teen about to get my first car and am wondering if a "green" car is affordable?




  1. Hybrids are expensive.

    But a small car with good gas milleage (especially if you don't speed too much) is better for the environment then what most people drive (a sports car or SUV).

  2. Although hybrids may be sometimes expensive, if you cant afford a hybrid you can also invest in LEV(Low Emission Vehicals) cars or ULEV(Ultra Low Emission Vehical) cars. They mention those initials on the window stickers of cars. A great affordable and green car for teenagers would be the Honda Accord, or the Honda Accord Hybrid.

  3. They "start" at $16,000+...Is it affordable to you ?

  4. Sure.

    You don't have to be perfect.  Simply shop for a car that is as small as you can easily use.  It doesn't have to be an expensive hybrid.  Just what meets your real needs.  As a bonus you'll save money on gas.

    If everyone would just do what they can (smaller cars, more efficient lightbulbs, better insulation, etc.) we'd be a whole lot better off.

  5. If you have the money get a hybrid.

    But with your first car you won't be driving it too much, you could always see if your parents will buy a hybrid and give you their old one.

  6. For a first car,  I would go for something ordinary.  You need to understand how the other drivers think on the road,  and owning your car is a way to do this.  It is as the saying goes,  you cannot know how other person feels until you walk in their shoes.  Therefore,  it is best for you to get a car similar to what others drive.  Later,  after some experience,  you could get a green car.

  7. I don't think the color of the car really affects the price unless it is a custom paint job.

  8. You can convert a VW into a biodeisel pretty easily.

  9. Not if you are buying it.

  10. im a teen

    i have a used 2000 jetta tdi

    it gets 45 mpg

    it was $12000 with 63000  miles on it and year

    but there are much cheaper ones with more miles or older

    check craigslist

  11. if you are considering buying a new car then yes you can buy a prius that gets excellent gas mileage. if you are looking for a used car you can still be green by purchasing an energy efficient four cylinder used honda civic or toyota corolla. but definately the toyota prius hybrid is only 22,900 which is comparable to other new cars. definately check into hybrids for leasing and buying if your thinking of a new car.

  12. The less fuel a car uses, the more "green" it is.  Some folks have learned to exceed the fuel economy of hybrids by 'hypermiling' cars like Honda civics, Geo Metros, and other inexpensive cars.  Some are getting between 50 and 80 mpg.  Most welcome your questions about how they do it.

  13. I think you should search the net. Find the car you want, and work and save till you reach your goal. In my eyes it will be hard, but if you put your mind to it you can get your "green" car that you want.

  14. UNLESS YOU GOT $ ....all you need is an older Honda. I got a '85 Prelude that gets 35mpg and goes fast enough for me. I had to get a new motor installed but all together I got about 3,000$ in it and the car should last for another decade or more !  Just get a small inexspensive dependable car ,don't drive when you don't really need to ,and you'll be greener than most !

  15. well, you can get an old diesel car and make your own biodiesel fuel out of WVO in your garage.

    you can put biodiesel into a regular diesel car, an engine change is not required.

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