
I am a type 1 diabetic and this is my first job since being diagnosed with it. ?

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I started a new job yesterday and here is the problem. I work 6pm to midnight. I eat dinner along with taking 12 units of regular at 5pm, so I need a snack at 8 but my break isn't until 9. I am so afraid of a low blood sugar and not being able to get off the cash register in time to eat something, that yesterday I didn't take insulin with my dinner and my blood sugar was 204 last night. What can I do...any advice.




  1. You will need to keep some glucose tablets near the cash register and bring a snack to eat as needed.  Your supervisor needs to let you do that, it's part of the Americans with Disabilities Act to allow reasonable accomodations, so see your HR person if they give you any grief about it.  Since you'll be on your feet, make sure to adjust your insulin as needed, because that uses extra energy if you're not used to it.  Have you considered a pump?  If your levels are set right, you shouldn't have to snack after dinner, and you can adjust your baseline a little lower for the periods where you're standing or moving around.

  2. put some apple slices in ziplock bag, also some of those wheat thin cracker things. You must never do without your insulin!! But you can and must keep something in your pocket to aleviate the Hypos that could occur. Candy, glucose tabs, a regular coke, whatever is permitted there.

    You might experiment with less bolus insulin at your dinner? to prevent the insulin from completely covering your carbs. Talk to your doctor or CDE about this. Also talk to the floor boss about taking your break a little earlier due to your diabetes requirements. It won't hurt and maybe help you to get a routine going.

  3. carry a pack of peanut butter crackers in your pocket, you should always have something near your register in case of low blood sugar anyway, I am sure your supervisor will not have a problem with that.  request your break at 8 instead of 9 because you have to have a snack. Take your insulin with your dinner,

  4. Talk to your boss and explain.

    No reason to hide.

    People you are working with should know that you have diabetes and you may need a short break at almost any time.

  5. You only use regular insulin, what about the long lasting, Lantus, NPH, etc... That is the one thats gonna keep your levels under sontrol the regular one just drops the sugar at the moment, or avoids an increase in what you are eating. Is that what was recommended by your doctor? Well, I guess he knows best, always carry with you glucose tablets and eat one if you fell your sugar is dropping.  

  6. Best thing I ever found is to keep lifesavers in my pocket- Very in conspicious and work well if you get shaky or that low feeling. Or carry glucose tablets. But still take insulin as prescribed. Also, have you thought that the stress of starting a new job may have raised your sugars? Or that what you ate may have had too many complex carbs?  WHen you first start working your body needs to adjust.Try rechecking them an hour after you get home and are more relaxed. If still a problem- refer to your Dr.

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